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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:26:11 Edit(编辑)
Girl drops, in their letter, the mother found nude

Girl drops, in their letter, the mother found nude(花季少女成绩下滑严重,妈妈在其微信中发现裸照,)



Girl drops, in their letter, the mother found nude-topless, the app-IT information

March 28 is the primary and middle school students nationwide this year, "safety day". Nanjing qinhuai police found that in recent years due to the popularity of mobile phone networks, many primary and middle school students also play the mobile phone network, but who have little consciousness of lack of judgement, tends to fall into the trap.

Second daughter on the phone find topless

Xiao Wu′s MOM at the school on the second day of this year found the school′s legal Vice President, little egret Police Advisory Board, said she found a "secret" wanted to let civilian police to do something. It turns out that daughter Xiao Wu′s performance has been good, but this year have gone down drastically. And entered a period of youthful rebellion, none of my family, has a weird character, holding a cell phone all day long. Asked her why are holding the phone to her family, she tends to "protection of personal privacy", never told his family to play with the mobile content.

One day when her daughter a bath, MOM with daughter′s birthday as password to open her cell phone. Do not do not know, Xiao Wu′s mother found her daughter in mobile micro-there was a man sent naked pictures. Chat more surprise Xiao Wu′s MOM, she had no idea her daughter had with a man claiming to be a handsome guy love.

Officers advised Xiao Wu′s MOM not to point out Wu gu, specially in the Wu class opened a serious network security alert lesson. A few days later, little Momma′s going to see Wu Wu phone, found that Wu had to pull each other into the blacklist.

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One February afternoon this year, Hongwu road qinhuai Public Security Bureau police station received a man reported to police, said his bank card was fraudulent, totaling nearly million.

The man surnamed Li told police, because their credit cards not used, nor apply for SMS alerts, but suddenly got a call from issuing banks, saying their credit card nearly million charge is owed for the prompt repayment. However, Mr LEE have this credit card has not been used.

Under the help of civilian police, Mr Li look up your transaction details to the card-issuing bank, found that all of the costs arising from a game company in Shanghai. After the police through a link to the game company, found those incurred by Mr LEE came from a game called Adi account. Lee realized the Adi is his primary school son′s English name.

Originally, son Lee naughty, don′t eat dinner, adults are used to get coaxed out of the phone. Children phone is used to download all kinds of games to play, and Mr LEE previously tied credit card related software, pay phones by default is click. In this way, children play a game through the purchase of equipment, nearly happened a few months worth of expenses.

Finally, after police, the game company returned to Mr LEE for 80%.

Criminals in recent years through new media platforms such as QQ, disguise identity, successful, handsome, mature man chatting with students, obtaining student trust, enable students to send nude photos, then topless threat, demanding cases of sexual relations with a student from time to time, it also attracted the attention of police. Police on the one hand, the campus to strengthen cyber security education to students, parents at home to guide your students.

花季少女成绩下滑严重,妈妈在其微信中发现裸照 - 裸照,微信 - IT资讯













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