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published in(发表于) 2016/3/27 6:26:27 Edit(编辑)
Japan Companies push 3D stereoscopic portrait urn: vivid

Japan Companies push 3D stereoscopic portrait urn: vivid(日本公司推3D打印立体人像骨灰盒:栩栩如生,)



Japan Companies push 3D stereoscopic portrait urn: life-3D printing, URNs-IT information

26th of March 26, according to Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po reported that clarity will come, is progeny to remember and pay tribute day. Japan Osaka Roice Entertainment 3D printing company recently launched "stereoscopic portrait urn".

This "stereoscopic portrait urn" using photos of their ancestors, after detailed evaluation by expert 3D graphics into computer, then d printing technique. Lifelike stereo URN, urn with the cold is different.

It is learnt that the plaster stereo URN, both 20 and 30 cm, respectively, at 100,000 and 200,000 yen, contained the ashes of the copper box is 30,000 yen.

日本公司推3D打印立体人像骨灰盒:栩栩如生 - 3D打印,骨灰盒 - IT资讯

3月26日电据香港《文汇报》26日报道,清明将至,又是孝子贤孙追忆和拜祭先人的日子。日本大阪3D打印公司Roice Entertainment最近推出“立体人像骨灰瓮”。



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