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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:22:08 Edit(编辑)
Micro-bulk bonus we’ve earned thousands? You can grow a snack bar,

Micro-bulk bonus we’ve earned thousands? You can grow a snack bar,(微信群发红包日赚千元?你可长点心吧,)



Micro-bulk bonus we've earned thousands? You long snack-micro letter envelopes, MLM-IT information

Micro letter red you have. "Red hair can make a lot of money", have you heard it? If you suspect in mind, the following examples let you see what is "pie in the sky, no good!"

Ms Shaw from Huludao in Liaoning province recently dragged by friends into a tiny group, "friends" every day talking about the subject at all! The Red! Bag! ……

Ms Shaw said: the group is called "sparks steppe", I joined and found a lot of people have red hair in the screenshots. Later, I realized that this sparks steppe micro-marketing accounts, no products, just paid 600 Yuan a member of national distributor, then someone added to this group to get 90 Yuan. Listen, someone can earn tens of thousands of more than 10 days or a hundred thousand of Yuan. Although, I joined the group, but I did not join, because I feel that there are problems.

Ms Shaw's question is this: If you make a marketing, should at least have a product or real? Nothing is the agent? Agent what? This kind of marketing is what they earn money? This sales method for four with two ounces of what exactly?

"Sparks steppe" what profit?

Ms Shaw's in this group, group marketing staff from time to time to share the marketing ideas, while on the Internet, has also been found on "sparks steppe" marketing instructional videos, most of them teach you how to use and how to make a profit.

Described in the marketing people, the red envelope business sales model belongs to the three-level distribution:

Municipal, provincial and national agents three Deputy-level distribution.

A. municipal agent. Is municipal agent for just 100 Yuan, you can get your direct marketing Commission of three men 90;

B. the provincial agent. If the provincial agent are registered 300 million, you're going to get many first generation 90 and 180 of the second generation;

C. agent. If you sign up a national distributor, this benefit is maximized, countless 90, many of the first generation of the second generation of 180 and a myriad of third generation of 270 Yuan.

"The development line, heads, and profit, and then continue to develop offline" ... ... Found in the us, this is like a pyramid scheme "routine".

"Sparks steppe" is what first?

According to spark Prairie project platform of background introduced, spark Prairie is by Tencent, and paid treasure, and Beijing fly Eagle soft airlines technology limited three home strength enterprise, common build of grassroots venture project, and in micro-Bo of page Shang, actually also was PS has a Zhang CCTV news broadcast of screenshots, screenshots of below impressively wrote with "spark Prairie, will opened industry era" of words, publicity means resorts!

Subsequently, the reporter consulted Tencent. Tencent said it was not involved in the so-called sparks steppe business agent platform, sparks steppe marketing activities carried out by micro-platform, Tencent did not understand!

Reporters also query the national credit information publicity system, known as the Eagle soft air technology limited company of Beijing by the Beijing Municipal Administration for industry and commerce as early as July 2015 in the operating anomaly list. Signs, the so-called sparks steppe business agent platform doubts.

"Sparks steppe" marketing model legal?

Administration of industry and Commerce of the fair trade law enforcement department in Liaoning province Deputy researcher Chen said sparks steppe marketing pattern, can be identified as pyramid schemes, their advocacy of so-called legitimate three-tier distribution model is designed to conceal the essence of MLM .

Chen also revealed that the now traditional basic no line drop-head of marketing, most are Internet MLM, use software such as QQ, micro-letter for illegal pyramid scheme, but no matter what form, how much money is illegal, organizers and participants alike are breaking the law.

提醒 : As of January 2016, landing micro accounts reached 570 million a day on average. Before and after the birth of micro-micro, micro-shop sales model into a lot of young people ways to make money as a favor, the VW venture also attracted the attention of a lot of illegal marketing group. In accordance with provisions of the prohibition of pyramid selling Ordinance, multilevel marketing offers Internet services, by the Administrative Department for industry and commerce shall be ordered to desist from the illegal act and notify the proper authorities shall be punished in accordance with the measures for the administration of Internet information services.

Teach you how to distinguish pyramid selling

, Organizer or operator through the development of staff, other members required is development of the human development, development officer for its directly or indirectly number of personnel development is based on calculation and payment of remuneration, to obtain illegal benefits, commonly called "head" pyramid schemes;

Second, the organizer or Manager by recruiting personnel, requirements development staff to pay fees or pay disguised as subscription products such as cost to join or join other members of the development qualification and seek illegal interests, namely "entry fees" pyramid schemes;

Third, the organizer or Manager by recruiting personnel, officers from development requires other people to join to form the upper and lower lines of development and offline sales as the basis for calculating and paying on-line pay, seek illegal interests, namely "team paid" pyramid scheme.

"Earn thousands of Yuan per month, a hundred thousand of millions is not a dream" ... ... These eye-catching words Internet. A little common sense would know, is any investment risks, no sale is not lose. Want to make money, I was walking down the right path!

微信群发红包日赚千元?你可长点心吧 - 微信红包,传销 - IT资讯


























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