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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:21:06 Edit(编辑)
Huawei P9 Crossfire HTC,10! Recent digital technology product launches count

Huawei P9 Crossfire HTC,10! Recent digital technology product launches count(华为P9交火HTC,10!近期数码科技产品发布会盘点,)



Huawei P9 fire HTC 10! Recent digital technology product launches count-Build2016, P9 Huawei, Huawei iPad P9, magic blue Note3,HTC 10, Tesla Model 3-IT information

On March 24, Apple spring of 2016 new Conference has just ended, iPhone SE/iPad Pro 9.7 has officially open book. Although the legend of the "Apple" has been settled, but 2016 feast of the whole digital industry, has just kicked off, then along with IT information, check and we will have one of those new products/the General Assembly in the near future meet!

On March 29 the Nubian product launches

On March 29, next Tuesday, Nubian will hold a new Conference, officially launched a mobile product, this product belongs to Prague or the z-series is currently uncertain, but broke the Ministry God has led us to see everything ... ...

Exposure at the Ministry a few days ago was a model for "NX529J" Nubian new machines, the machines will feature a 5-inch 1080P display, double 2.5D cambered surface glass, equipped with eight-core processor, 3GB RAM, 64GB body store, post-16 million pixels camera, front facing 8 million pixels camera, support China Netcom, support for fingerprint identification.

Not surprisingly, this machine is the star of the show, launches today the Nubian and suning also might make a move, you may wish to wait and see.

Media communications March 29 millet ecological chain

Millet official release announcement this morning notice to media announced it would be held on the 29th of this month ecological chain communications, and released the "spirit of the artisan of excellence" to explore new Chinese slogan, what new eco-products is it? Millet is then released the new trailer – millet rice cookers.

From the video presentation, millet rice cookers may be using electromagnetic heating techniques, the benefit of this is the steamed rice nonstick ... ... However, this technique is now more on the high-end rice cookers, so the price of this product may be one of the highlights.

In addition, the millet Announces Eco-Conference, may not launch a rice cooker, millet believes the coming days officials will release a new product news, such as millet, fan millet air conditioning, millet, gas stove, millet juicer ... ...

March 30 Microsoft Build 2016 Assembly

Microsoft′s most important developer event this year Build2016 will be held on March 30, is expected to launch a new Win10RedStone, Win10 Mobile RedStone, HoloLens and VS2015 integration Xamarin, Xbox platform of One version of the UWP.

The Microsoft of Build2016 assembly points very more, like artificial intelligence aspects,, and small ice future of development direction, and function upgrade; also has Microsoft of "really ? black technology" HoloLens, the may will brings new of skills demonstrates; also has everyone compared care of Windows10 PC and phone RedStone Red Stone version, next of upgrade content may also will revealed one or two, also also has Office 365, and Azure cloud service, aspects of message And in conclusion on this aspect of the General Assembly, and we don′t miss it.

On March 31 the Tesla Model 3 launches

Recently, Tesla official to foreign media out of the fashion show invitation, has announced that it will on March 31 in United States California, Hawthorne (Hawthorne) factories within the Conference, and protagonist of this launch, the Tesla is a popular new cars--Model 3.

Tesla Model 3 is a common electric vehicle market price only $ 35000 (about 228,000), battery life, it is expected that the mileage of the car than the Model s and Model x shorter, about 250 miles (420 km).

At present, the user can be held on March 31 at the Tesla store, or in the United States after the Pacific time on March 31, 20:30 through the Tesla Web site paid $ 1000 to make a reservation. Until 2017 but the car will go on sale in the second half.

April 1 XX Conference/General Assembly

On this day, anything can happen ... ...

On April 6, Huawei iPad P9

Huawei has announced will be held April 6 in Germany Berlin fashion show, officially launched the new flagship phone Huawei P9, dual camera of this mobile phone is a highlight in itself, because after the Leica camera manufacturers to join Huawei′s dual-camera technology more to watch.

According to previous news, Huawei P99 high standard and equipped with version or with a 5.2-inch 1080p-resolution touchscreen, standard version powered by Unicorn 950 processor 3GB RAM+32GB ROM storage combination with high version will be powered by Unicorn 955 processor, and 4GB RAM+64GB/128GB ROM storage combination.

It is learnt that the P9 launches Huawei will launch three to four editions, users can watch with interest.

April 6 charming blue Note3 launches

Once "month surprises" Meizu will return again! Starting youngsters turned out to be little-known charming blue Note3, know that Meizu has been gung-ho propaganda Meizu PRO 6. Of course, as thousand-Yuan price new, charming blue Note3 see nothing less.

Such as in magic blue Note3 Meizu may this year on a new set of designs, using mediatek Helio P10, body may become thin, battery life may increase, hardware specifications, the machine will also use 5.5-inch 1080P display.

With all that said, I think that many people are more concerned about charm blue Note3 launch car Tesla Model s 90D ... ...

On April 12, HTC 10 launches

Now HTC a bit low-key (seems to want to profile is quite difficult), a few days ago HTC announced the HTC 10 Conference will be held on April 12, but it is said that the Conference could be a network announcement, there needs to be further confirmed.

No matter how the Conference, HTC′s new product is quite powerful, first photographed may bring new photography, then canceled the long Chin, retains the Boom sound. Hardware specifications, it is very powerful.

Configuration, HTC 10 will feature 5.15 2K screen, equipped with mycophenolate mofetil 820 processor, 4GB RAM, providing a 12 million pixel camera, USB Type-C interface and provide four black, white, gold, Panda body color.

Of course, HTC 10 final performance also depends on market response to this phone.

On April 20 as the Super phone 2-new product release

Next month on the 20th, letv will also launch its own next-generation smart phone--a mobile phone 2, which came out may be a series of 2 generations of products, including Helio X20 He Xiaolong 820 platform. Of course, specific product information is the official version shall prevail.

Configuration, Super phone 2 rumor features a 5.7-inch 2K screen 4GB LPDDR4 RAM+64GB ROM,800 megapixel front-facing camera + 21 million pixel primary camera, 3100mAh battery, support dual SIM dual standby China Netcom, will also pick up ultrasonic fingerprint recognition. However this should be equipped with mycophenolate mofetil 820 processor with high version.

Above is the recent arrival of the digital industry Conference/Conference of science and technology, but this is only just beginning, a large wave carried Xiao long 820 Chinese flagship is poised, in 2016, the Smartphone wild outbreaks a year of fierce fighting.

华为P9交火HTC 10!近期数码科技产品发布会盘点 - Build2016,华为P9,华为P9发布会,魅蓝Note3,HTC 10,特斯拉Model 3 - IT资讯

3月24日,苹果2016年春季新品发布会刚刚落下帷幕,iPhone SE/iPad Pro 9.7也已经正式开启预定。虽然传说中的“小苹果”已经尘埃落定,但是2016年整个科技数码行业的饕餮盛宴,才刚刚拉开帷幕,接下来就跟IT资讯一起,盘点一下近期会有那些新品/大会和我们见面吧!









3月30日微软Build 2016大会

微软今年的最重要的开发者盛会Build2016即将在3月30日召开,预计将推出全新的Win10RedStone、Win10 Mobile RedStone、HoloLens、VS2015集成Xamarin、Xbox One版UWP平台。

此次微软的Build2016大会看点非常多,比如人工智能方面,微软小娜、小冰未来的发展方向、功能升级;还有微软的“真·黑科技”HoloLens,此次可能会带来新的技能演示;还有大家比较关心的Windows10 PC和手机RedStone红石版,接下来的升级内容可能也会透漏一二,此外还有Office 365、Azure云服务等方面的消息,总之此次大会看点十足,大家不要错过。

3月31日特斯拉Model 3发布会

近日,特斯拉正式向外媒送出新品发布会邀请函,宣布将会与3月31日在美国加州霍桑(Hawthorne)工厂内举办发布会,而本次发布会的主角,则是特斯拉一款平民化的新车——Model 3。

特斯拉Model 3是一款平民化的电动汽车,市场售价预测仅为35000美元(约合人民币22.8万),续航方面,预计该车的续航里程将比Model S和Model X稍微短一些,大概在250英里(420公里)左右。






根据之前的消息,华为P99标准版和高配版或配备5.2英寸1080p分辨率触控屏,标准版搭载麒麟950处理器,拥有3GB RAM+32GB ROM的存储组合,而高配版本将搭载麒麟955处理器,并提供4GB RAM+64GB/128GB ROM的存储组合。



曾经“月月有惊喜”的魅族即将重新归来!首发小将竟然是名不见经传的魅蓝Note3,要知道魅族此前一直在卖力的宣传魅族PRO 6啊。当然,作为千元性价比新作,魅蓝Note3的看点也不少。

比如今年魅族可能会在魅蓝Note3上采用全新的外观设计,采用联发科Helio P10处理器,机身厚度可能会变薄,电池续航可能会增加等等,硬件规格方面,该机还将采用5.5英寸1080P显示屏。

说了这么多,我想不少人还是比较关注魅蓝Note3发布会上的那辆特斯拉Model S 90D……

4月12日HTC 10发布会

如今的HTC变得有些低调(似乎想重新高调起来也挺难的),日前HTC宣布将会在4月12日举办HTC 10发布会,不过据说此次发布会可能是一次网络发布会,目前还有待进一步消息确认。


配置方面,HTC 10将采用5.15英寸2K显示屏,搭载骁龙820处理器,4GB RAM,提供一颗1200万像素摄像头,采用USB Type-C接口,并提供黑、白、金、熊猫四种机身配色。

当然,HTC 10最终的表现如何,还要看市场对这款手机的反响。


下个月20日,乐视也将推出自己的新一代智能手机——超级手机2,此次问世的可能是一系列2代产品,包括Helio X20和骁龙820平台。当然,具体的新品信息还是以官方说法为准。

配置方面,超级手机2传闻会配备5.7英寸2K屏幕,4GB LPDDR4 RAM+64GB ROM,800万像素前置摄像头+2100万像素主摄像头,3100mAh电池,支持双卡双待全网通,还将搭载超声波指纹识别功能。不过这应该是搭载骁龙820处理器的高配版本。


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