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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:20:24 Edit(编辑)
Do you dare? This 17 interview questions were too difficult and disabled by Google,

Do you dare? This 17 interview questions were too difficult and disabled by Google,(你敢挑战吗?这17道面试题因太难而被谷歌禁用,)



Do you dare? 17 interview questions too difficult to disable-interview by Google, Google-IT information

Even the most successful companies, the recruitment process may be very wide of the mark, often seems to have no answer to some odd interview question, but the standard answer that candidate, but haven′t had time to close "the starting line" has been "retired". Google was the company, recruiters can make some kind of candidate quality problems.

In fact, some problems are too weird and eventually be disabled completely. In 2009, the Seattle coach Lewis lists his client was asked by Google the company 140 questions, and 17 were elected the most crazy questions. These problems have been disabled, Google the company′s future new employees should feel fortunate. Let us look at these crash bar.

1. wash all Seattle Windows how much it costs?

2. Why are manhole covers round?

3. how to ask your friend Bob case, confirm whether he got your number?

You must write on the card issue and transmit the card Eve,Eve card to Bob and to reply to convey them to you. You can′t write directly on the card, but be sure to keep Bob encrypt a reply message, phone number on the Eve to be kept confidential.

4. how many piano tuners are there in the world?

5. in a village of 100 married couples, each man was cheating on his wife for each woman in the village would immediately know whether the other woman′s husband cheating on his wife, but did not know her husband′s cheating on their own. Regulations do not permit liaisons in the village. Any woman if he can show that her husband was cheating on her, her husband must be executed in the day. Are in compliance with this provision by village women. One day the village Queen announced that at least one of her husband′s infidelity. What the hell happened?

6. a man pushed the car into a hotel and lost his property, what′s going on?

7. the clock′s hands overlap how many times a day?

8. the United States produced each year how many vacuum?

9. San Francisco to design an evacuation plan

10. explain "dead beef" is important

11. If a person is on the phone dialing a string of numbers, these numbers will most likely form any words or string?

12. If human density is guaranteed the same case, you are shrunk to the size of a coin, and was thrown into an empty glass Blender, Blender will start after the 60 seconds, what would you do?

13. a bus can hold how many golf balls?

14. two eggs and a 100-story building, you have two eggs, eggs from a specific floor or above dropped on the floor can break the populist, from below the floor dropped intact. Two eggs are identical. Now there is a 100-story building, can use only two eggs, you need to sell eggs broken critical floors, the question is how many times you throw the eggs?

15. you must get from point a to point b, but you′re not sure whether to, what would you do?

16. you and your friends to a party, and attended by a total of ten people (including you and your friends)

17. three sentences to your eight year old nephew to explain what is a database

你敢挑战吗?这17道面试题因太难而被谷歌禁用 - 面试,谷歌 - IT资讯





















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