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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:14:57 Edit(编辑)
Liaoning town government debt more than 17 million for 200 years or not

Liaoning town government debt more than 17 million for 200 years or not(辽宁镇政府负债1700多万200年还不清)



Liaoning Township government debt more than 17 million for 200 years is not clear (photo) | |-liability _ the town government news

Original title: town Government owed 200 or not

The town government building was seized by the Court
Changdianzhen by the Government over the debt situation

Legal evening news (reporters Chen Wei) 15 years later, and kuandian Manchu autonomous county, Dandong city, Liaoning province, people's Government of changdianzhen clearly remembered "their" lost money owed.

On the verdict of a 2012, clearly record the defendant, changdianzhen municipal people's Government, for failing to fulfil its contractual obligations, shall compensate the plaintiff Zhou Sheng-yuan and interest 3931520.

Now, shall compensate the counting from the day on November 30, 1997, 18 years have passed, the amount of compensation has become more than 17 million Yuan.

"Our town financial allocation of 900,000 last year, is not so much a few years earlier, including all the officers five insurance payments, allowances, bonuses, etc, and now still owe some of the employees Provident Fund, now the principal plus interest is accumulated to an astronomical, if it goes on forever and not. "Changdianzhen said.

"The current total amount, with the town Government's ability to repay, even if they are no longer of interest, it would take more than 200 years on. "Changdianzhen the Government propaganda department surnamed yan said.

Changdianzhen sale of government enterprises referred to the original debt

In November 1997, the 55-year old Zhou sheng, from relatives and friends there, up more than 2.2 million Yuan, changdian grinding wheel factory bidding participation changdianzhen collective enterprise.

"Not much money was in the hands, and borrowed from friends and relatives, has promised to wait for the factory efficiency, even with interest back to them. "Zhou Shengxi said.

Legal evening news (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter learned that, in August 1997, kuandian Manchu autonomous county, (hereinafter referred to as kuandian County) County documents, decided to carry out reform of property right system of township enterprises. In this context, changdianzhen grinding wheel factory as the first pilot reform enterprises, upon approval by the reform of property right system in kuandian County, changdianzhen grinding wheel factory transferred to Zhou sheng.

Related statistics show that the grinding wheel factory about 10.34 million yuan of total assets, of which about 4.39 million in fixed assets, intangible assets of about 330,000 yuan, remaining current assets of about 5.62 million Yuan. 9.96 million yuan of the total liability.

After 10 days of hard work, Zhou Shengxi eventually won the bid. On November 30, 1997, he paid 2.2 million Yuan to buy gold, buying up property in the grinding wheel factory, was signed on the same day of the buyout agreement (initialled). On February 11, Zhou Sheng XI signed the sale contract for the changdian grinding wheel factory property. Stipulated in the contract, changdianzhen transfer of government assets should be recognized in the evaluation report to Zhou Sheng XI, while Zhou Shengxi to assume all liabilities of the original.

After changdianzhen the Administration and kuandian after Auditors confirmed that about 10.34 million yuan in total assets, and total liabilities of 9.96 million Yuan.

Contract the buyer is not given a current assets the court sentence the town government default payments

It is understood that Zhou sheng, a Bachelor, has economic division titles, and kuandian County, served as Director of the Office of the agricultural Bank, retired in October 2002.

"Our factory when the town government in the current assets are not more than 2.47 million Yuan paid to me, this is a serious breach. Find the town Government has been not to solve, dragged on for 3 long years. "Zhou Shengxi said. Subsequently, he will changdianzhen the Government to court.

Zhou Sheng XI to their rights and interests have been damaged, due to the defendant's delay of 3 years, cause difficulties for enterprises from asking the Court to order the defendant to pay damages total more than 3.93 million Yuan, plus interest.

Changdianzhen defended the Government says has fully fulfilled its obligations stipulated in the contract, Zhou Shengxi, a loss is the original long meadow grinding wheel factory claims risk caused by no fault of changdianzhen Government.

In November 2001, the Dandong city Intermediate Court held that Zhou Shengxi Enterprise price of 2.2 million has been paid, changdianzhen Government did not fulfill all contract obligations, Zhou Shengxi should be compensation for the loss of more than 3.93 million Yuan, plus interest.

Subsequently, the changdianzhen Government appealed to the High Court in Liaoning province, Liaoning province High Court retrial, Dandong city Intermediate Court retrial commute changdianzhen the Government won, Liaoning province, Zhou Sheng appealed to the High Court.

Finally, the final decision in the High Court in Liaoning province: as changdianzhen grinding wheel factory at the time of appraisal and sale, some of the claims does not exist, changdianzhen Government contracts existence of part of the process to assess claims as valid claims, changdianzhen Government, as sellers, there are faults, shall bear civil liability. Compensation for the loss caused by Zhou Shengxi, more than 3.93 million Yuan, plus interest.

Before the verdict, after 3 years.

"Should give me money give me, can do nothing but run, during which the town borrows money from the Government, hoping to make the factory first started, they refused and can only watch as businesses collapse. "Zhou Shengxi said.

Legal evening news (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter learned that, when changdianzhen the Government enterprise reforms as a private, wrongdoing, unexpected debts have taken place, the town Government's inability to pay, Zhou sheng cannot collect their debt claims, resulting in the loss of nearly 4 million Yuan, forming a vicious circle, now principal plus interest accumulating high, seem to have become rather a lot.

Interest payments are no longer considered to head the previous year to more than 200 years

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, the legal evening news reporter arrived at changdianzhen town in kuandian County, Dandong city government building, next to the gate of "serving the people" on the stone plaque, "for" has fallen off.

Reporters saw the building has 4 layers, one on the front, hung up 7 of the relevant bodies of the plaque. Changdianzhen in the Mayor's Office, the reporter saw the Mayor. Reporters noted that more than 20 square meters of Office, place 1 simple bed, 1 sofa and two worn chairs and cabinets, but no other decoration.

"We do not wish to, our town alone is not good enough for the money, I've also applied to the County to help resolve. "Know that reporters had come, changdianzhen Mayor, said TIEN.

In order to prove that they are not malicious default on its debt, journalists produced a mayor to the law late in October 2012 to changdianzhen Government on resolving Zhou Shengxi reparation programme documents, document states that:

Zhou sheng's case, from the claim date should be, the current principal and interest had reached more than 10 million yuan in compensation for the case, only to repay more than 800,000.

In view of the case as the county-wide enterprise system reform pilot, I therefore urge the County, the County Government attached great importance to, and to be addressed. And suggested solutions: due to the County and township levels, limited financial resources, for compensation in the case of principal part should be paid. Principal financial arrangements every six months by County capital of 300,000 yuan annually to pay 600,000 yuan, finished three years to repay the principal, the interest rate will increase year by year. For compensation payment, research solutions.

Reporters learned that principal refers to the changdianzhen of the above scenario when the contract is signed, owed more than 2.47 million yuan of assets. But for some reason did not carry out.

According to Zhou Shengxi said: according to bank figures, changdianzhen Government has accumulated arrears of more than 17 million Yuan.

Journalist with 15 years a total of 1.06 million yuan in arrears, calculated average years to repay the town Government about more than 70,000 yuan, came to the conclusion that: even if from now on stop accumulating interest changdianzhen Government it would take more than 200 years.

In this regard, the town government staff surnamed yan also said: "the amount according to the current total, as well as the Government's ability to repay, even if they are no longer of interest, it would take more than 200 years on. ”

"900,000, in itself is not enough for our town. "The Mayor complained.

"Our town financial allocation of 900,000 last year, is not so much a few years earlier, less spend in all public officers of the Government of the town of old-age insurance, medical insurance, Housing Fund, such as benefits and bonuses, are already stretched thin. Provident Fund and health-care deduction of 600,000, some employees Provident Fund were owed more than a year. ”

"Now this debt principal and interest had accumulated to an astronomical, if it goes on forever and not. "The mayor says.

Government buildings had been seized from the failure of enterprises to build an auction

"The resulting claims occupation is the main reason others, causing losses should be borne by the occupation, it should not shift the responsibility to the Government. "The mayor said.

According to the legal evening news (app ID:fzwb_52165216) reporter, resulting in claims could not be delivered because of the subject matter, the original six wheel factory sales staff will clean up the plant money for themselves.

"Since the last court town government pay, we should pay. We do our best to return the money. "The mayor said.

Subsequently, the Mayor showed to reporters a "payment sheet" showing: since 2005, changdianzhen to Zhou Shengxi arrears to be paid by the Government, among the smallest of 5000 Yuan maximum a 220,000 yuan, up to March 2016, paid a total of 1.06 million Yuan.

"We really have financial difficulty, we deducted that sum of 220,000 of the Court, we spent four or five years, to make up for it. Later, he courts for payment of arrears, and intended to seize government buildings in our town. "The mayor said with a wry smile.

"On January 27, 2015, I understand the Dandong intermediate court to seize changdianzhen government buildings, took up for auction, which let me see hope, thinking that as long as the auction, I will get the compensation. However, last hope, I do not know for what reason, failed to enter the auction process. "Zhou Sheng said with sigh.

"The Court was prepared to seize government buildings in our town, in understanding the finish town government buildings was not government-funded CAP, was built by the company's case, has not seized. "Staff member surnamed yan said.

Elderly infirm waiting for life-saving money Government insolvency

Zhou Shengxi law later said: "I also hope to make money on, but it is powerless, the town also knows my life, relatives and friends find my debt when my wife seriously ill town apply to the counties the debt allowance of 100,000 yuan. ”

Reporters saw 2009 changdianzhen people's Government "grant on changdianzhen grinding wheel factory conversion debt" said has now reached more than 13 million debt, and my town lack disposable financial resources each year, weak enforcement of court judgments, Zhou Sheng wife now seriously ill, have no money for treatment. Apply for a Government grant of 100,000 yuan, and debts to relieve Zhou sheng in difficulty.

"More than a town, might not have this money in the County, the County's revenue last year was 450 million, we still hope that we can stop the interest, credit card, otherwise, cannot afford to go on like this forever. "The Mayor added.

"Or get my money back, I owe people money is not, borrow someone else's money at interest, look for my debt, and some have sued me. I haven't had a good night's sleep for more than 10 years. "Zhou Shengxi sighed deeply.

"This year I'm 74 years old, body dying, diagnosed with cerebral infarction and diabetes. My wife is because there is no money for medical care, delayed treatment, has died. Now I had no money to see a doctor, didn't know what else to live up to on any given day, they now wanted to wait until I am dead. ”

230 hospital provided by reporter Zhou sheng's case, the diagnosis: multiple cerebral infarction, type 2 diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic peripheral lesion.

/Zhu Shunzhong manuscripts and manpower and camera/depth reporter Chen Wei

Responsible editor: Zhao Jiaming SN146

Article keywords:
Township government debt

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Legal evening news
辽宁镇政府负债1700多万200年还不清(图) |镇政府|负债_新闻资讯

  原标题:镇政府欠债 200年还不清






















































  稿件统筹/朱顺忠 文并摄/深度记者 陈威

责任编辑:赵家明 SN146

镇政府 负债


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