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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:33:34 Edit(编辑)
Apologize in Beijing fell 7 suspects parents of a child, the mother was knocked unconscious

Apologize in Beijing fell 7 suspects parents of a child, the mother was knocked unconscious(北京摔童嫌犯父母7次登门道歉,母亲被追打摔晕)

Apologize to mothers in Beijing fell 7 suspects parents of a child is knocked unconscious by chased | Han Lei fell child apologize | | _ news

Fell to the children from the Daxing Han Lei was sentenced to death in the first instance, Han Lei family has been reluctant to face the media, the trial and sentencing, they have not appeared at the scene.

But they didn't do anything: from October 10, Han Lei 7 parents come to the victim's House to apologize, but nobody was to catch up with each other's House is to let each other an emotional blow them out of the door.

"Even so, we still have to apologize so that their conscience is passable ... ..." Han Lei's father, the legal evening news said, "even if upheld, we also hope to be understood", that's what he and wife really thought.

Yesterday evening, legal evening news reporter learned that, in the second instance trial, to observe the trial of friends and relatives in court trials have been conveyed to the parents of Han Lei.

Han Lei parents said they also intend to again apologized to the victim's home, but did not think the Court of Final Appeal handed down to so quickly, it makes them feel a bit sad.

Most recent apology Han Mu fall shock

Meet with the parents of Han Lei around subway station exit, time, where the old couple sitting at a station, swipe, Han Lei father paced back and forth with one's hands clasped behind one's back of the head is not high, slightly hunched Han Lei mother dialed a telephone "Parade".

Korean parent straight and clear in a speech, Han Mu man looked straight ahead as you speak, the voice is very light, sometimes, said in the middle of being wife to interrupt or stop, then she watched her husband no longer speaks.

Everything that happened on November 11, the old couple can't stop sighing, Han Lei father wearing the goggles off, wipe the brush repeatedly.

He said, "this is our 7th time, with any luck, they (the grandparents of murdered girls) think we are family here, so I opened the door ... ..."

Han Lei told reporters that when they found them, emotion to get them out the door.

"I was beat up by them several times, and his mother was ' escape ' when I accidentally took a tumble, bumping the head on the stairs, shock passed, on the spot. "Han Lei said.

"A child (killing girls) Grandma came over and she said you get 120 and save lives......" said Han Lei father, but even so, they did not blame each other's meaning.

"I think they should shoot us ... ..." just minutes after Han Lei mother regained consciousness, beyond the brownies she says besides elbow pain, and no big deal.

Father Han Lei

Would like to use my life for child's life

Each came apologized, old couple will records down--Han Lei father from Pocket in pulled out a Zhang yellow of notes paper, above recorded with each old couple door apologized of time: from October 10 up, old couple each across days will to a times victims home, "with fruit, and snack, and tea", has 5 times catch each other home in the unmanned, two times catch was in, but are was kicked has out.

Whether to insist on continuing to apologize, Han Lei parents ' adamant merely in frequency will change: an old couple, the other side no one met the neighborhood next door, neighbors say to their people just calm, you're not coming, arrives and reminds them of the heart ... ...

Han Lei said, after 11th, he feel like apologize for things that you can have a go, or at least don't make people feel worse again.

When asked if Han Lei was eventually upheld, the old couple still insist on an apology? Han Lei father remained silent for a moment said: "children (Han Lei) has now been sentenced to death, and we're not going to beg them, but from conscience speaking, we feel that we must go, no matter what they did to us, we should all go......"

Throughout the interview, said Han Lei father on more than one occasion, wish to express their apology through the media, "I am a grandfather who, if my life could change back to their child's life, I'm willing to. ”

Afterwards, afraid to go home, can't look up a man

"We knew about it in the paper. "Han Lei parents, son, after being released for the first time, had left home, referring to his son, Korean parent, had more.

"Kids like that really should be killed! "Han Lei said, his first reaction was anger, but at that time they had no Han Lei. Lawyers later things, everything from Han Lei and sister of her parents, their trustee to send Han Lei came back the warm clothing.

Not education, good son, the old couple was annoyed.

Han Lei mother, Han Lei is a "Brown nosing leech who is", said Han Lei father, Han Lei poor temper control, difficult to control. He said he was supporting three technicians, Han Lei mother in Beijing alone with the kids, and, by the time he was brought back in 1982 in Beijing, Han Lei is eight or nine years old, "my father, not to educate their children! ”

Han Lei said, since the murder, he weighs more than 20 pounds lighter, Han Lei mother also lost more than 10 pounds, "no-one can sleep safe ... ..." before the incident, the old couple live in her daughter's House to see his grandson, afterwards, afraid to go home, afraid to go to court to observe the trial, "too much pressure, feel unable to rise in life. ”

The old couple, only an apology conscience can be reduced, so the old couple as the civil compensation to the families of the victims addresses, finding home, then offset the replacement residence, two men again through his lawyer to find the victim's family. Each time, both of them were hauling hundreds of things to visit.

"First visit, I thought sure people out, so fall shopping is banned. "Han Lei said the mother. Why apologize for more than two months after the crime was committed, said Han Mu, Han Lei sister wrote a letter of apology that they had thought people on the head, being upset, so I want to wait a few days before a visit.

Murder party refuse to accept compensation

When Han Lei parents have been interviewed, journalists contacted, once the girl an agent of civil compensation law. "Sentencing, victims ' families to drop in the first instance, we have terminated the agency relationship. "According to counsel, September 28 first-instance verdict, murdered withdrew the civil compensation requirements, insists that the Court sentenced Han Lei to death. In criminal cases, the defendant if active compensation for families of the victims and get understanding is one of the lighter sentence.

Lawyers say the Han Lei had entrusted a lawyer during a pretrial Conference on compensation after the first trial, Karaie also contact he wanted compensation for murder, but killed family members made it clear that "no". He says the victim's mother was not very stable, "definitely will not receive compensation! "Text/reporter Wang Wei

(Edit: SN095)
November 29, 2013 Legal evening news
北京摔童嫌犯父母7次登门道歉 母亲被追打摔晕|韩磊|摔童|道歉_新闻资讯






  最近一次登门道歉 韩母摔休克
















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  被害方 拒绝接受赔偿


  马律师表示,韩磊当初委托的律师在一次庭前会议上提出过赔偿,一审后,韩家也曾联系他希望对被害方进行赔偿,但被害方家属明确表示“不同意”。他说目前被害人母亲情绪还很不稳定,“肯定不会接受赔偿!”文/记者 王巍


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