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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 9:07:55 Edit(编辑)
“Bargain“ a success? Sharp or accept Foxconn drop billions of yen for a quote,

“Bargain“ a success? Sharp or accept Foxconn drop billions of yen for a quote,(“砍价”成功?夏普或接受富士康降千亿日元报价,)



"Bargain" a success? Accept Foxconn drop billions of Yen offer sharp or sharp, Hon Hai, Foxconn-IT information

3 23rd, Japan current affairs news agency said Sharpe at the final stage of accepting Foxconn′s revised proposal, planned Board meeting this month. Foxconn had proposed price cuts of 200 billion yen; sharp, and provide loans to Mizuho Bank and Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi has rejected this proposal, but would accept the proposal to reduce about 100 billion yen.

On February 25 this year, sharp′s Board of Directors accepted Foxconn offer. Sharp plan through equity financing raise 489 billion yen while sharp in equity financing of shares will be issued to Foxconn; sharp will be 100 billion yen in bonds from Foxconn. Subsequently, Foxconn and declare a moratorium on signing trade agreements.

According to media reports, resulting in Foxconn′s reasons for delay signing was the day before sharp has revealed some new information, especially about 20 billion yuan of "contingent liabilities". Foxconn in assessing financial risk in the future, it was decided to suspend acquisition of Sharpe′s sharp trade.

“砍价”成功?夏普或接受富士康降千亿日元报价 - 夏普,鸿海,富士康 - IT资讯




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