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published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:33:41 Edit(编辑)
MAS MH17 accident: the crash site found the missile debris,

MAS MH17 accident: the crash site found the missile debris,(马航MH17事故调查:坠机地点发现导弹残骸,)



MAS MH17 accident: the crash site found the missile debris-MH17, MAS MH17, beech missile-IT information

Two years ago, the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in the Ukraine closer to Russia's border crashed, killing 298 people were killed. According to the United Kingdom, Reuters reported on June 7, is responsible for investigating the crash, prosecutors released a Beech missile wreckage found at the crash site photos. The photo published by the joint international investigation team, photo taken by missile debris is a venturi tube, as part of the exhaust system. MH17 is believed to be to get Russia support Ukraine civil militants launch a Beech missile shot down .

4th, Netherlands prosecutors said investigations against flight MH17 crashed in a "very intensive stage", they will release its final findings later in the summer.

In a statement, prosecutors said they has lodged multiple legal plane crash involving State aid requirements, but is still waiting for Russia information about beech missiles provided by the Government. But the final investigation report will detail crash weapons used in the nature and the exact locations of weapons.

Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 carrying 2/3 passengers are Netherlands people. After the crash, Europe and the United States against Russia imposed several rounds of sanctions measures, making the relationship between drop their lowest point in years.

By Netherlands in the joint international investigation team led, from Australia, and Malaysia, and Belgium and Ukraine experts, the investigation team will be handed over to the Criminal Division of the Court or the final report. State Government has vowed to bring the killers to justice of the victims, and stressed the establishment of an International Tribunal as necessary. Last July, Malaysia submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council, calling for the establishment of an International Tribunal for flight MH17 crashed, but the Bill was defeated.

马航MH17事故调查:坠机地点发现导弹残骸 - MH17,马航MH17,山毛榉导弹 - IT资讯






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