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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:50:20 Edit(编辑)
Hangzhou for the G20 will promote English in the restaurant menu

Hangzhou for the G20 will promote English in the restaurant menu(杭州为迎G20将在大小餐馆推广英语菜单)



Hangzhou for G20 to promote English in the restaurant menu | G20_ news

Original title: xiacheng district, the pilot extended English menus in the restaurant was enjoyed by G20 guests in Hangzhou

Zhejiang online, March 23 (qianjiang evening news reporter Li correspondent zhangleilidan) G20 will come, predictably, there was a large influx of foreign friends in Hangzhou City.

Eat what is good? This is a worldwide problem.

In order to make foreign friends to the drivel of the Hangzhou food yesterday, xiacheng district, United martial arts Union Street, held a "martial arts World Cup" tournament Hangzhou food skills. Area in the new White Hart, lane and other famous star chefs of the restaurant are riveting enough to show their talents, playing out of the Hangzhou food new tricks. Chefs say they are ready to make foreign friends can not forget good taste in Hangzhou.

Hangzhou food is a major part of Zhejiang cuisine, it is characterized by a clear, fresh, cool and crisp. Of familiar faces and grass carp are in Hangzhou dishes. See chefs are using grass carp to conjure up anything? Highly skilled knife cut flowers fish and pan fish doused in sweet sauce, after the wobble into a blossoming flower.

Hangzhou dishes of all kinds of cold spell is also featured in one of the chefs spent enough effort. Look, the asparagus into line with a toothpick, put the meat roll, looking from a distance like a boat on the West Lake; there's more, carved a pumpkin radish leifeng pagoda, broken bridge, scenic panoramic view of ... ...

Just look at a table filled with creative Hangzhou dishes, has been speaking in fluid.

This reporter has learned, race-winning dishes will be rolled out in the coming days, Hangzhou, people can go to try.

Yes, next time, xiacheng district, plan to do one important thing. Hangzhou is pushing forward internationalization of the city, the international style how to embody?

Xiacheng district, Federation Vice-Chairman Bao Jianping told reporters that the next, lower in the Wulin Street pilot, features hotels, hotels to enhance the carrying area dining, etiquette, reception services, provide more sophisticated services. Such as restaurants in the area to launch an English-language menu, make international friends eating on the issues of barrier-free communication.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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  原标题:下城区将试点在餐馆推广英语菜单 让G20的客人在杭州吃得开心

  浙江在线03月23日讯 (钱江晚报记者 王丽 通讯员 张雷 李丹)G20就要来啦,可以预见,将有一大拨外国朋友涌入杭州城。









责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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