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published in(发表于) 2016/6/11 7:34:11 Edit(编辑)
A cadre of Anhui public tours for the mother to see a doctor, are administrative warning

A cadre of Anhui public tours for the mother to see a doctor, are administrative warning(安徽一干部公款包车替母亲看病,被行政警告处分)



Anhui chartered a cadre of public funds for her mother a doctor warning by administrative

Supervision of Central Commission for discipline inspection, June 11 news, "team leader, you better come look at this list of invoices and attachments for 3600! This invoice must have problems, there is no led is issued, and wrote comments on the annex is ' mother doctor '! ”

Anhui chuzhou municipal staff visits 14th during visits in six town, quanjiao, find a special invoice.

Inspection group after careful check, confirmation of Liu Zhen Zhen Li Yilong violation claims, financial Director of the 3600 car rental costs that should be borne by individuals, group visits at the feedback on this invoice as quanjiao clues referred to the discipline Committee.

After receiving feedback, the County discipline Inspection Commission for the first time referred to the special inspection team to assist County Bureau of discipline inspection group for verification.

"We are investigating staff, looking for you to know what is happening today, would you please answer truthfully. ”

"You worked this 3600 rental invoice them. ”

Investigator invoice in hand, Li Yilong were silent.

"I was honestly accountable to the Organization! ”

"In May 2012, my mother is ill check needs to be done, mobility of older, I consider the package takes her to Nanjing. Because our fiscal year to the County under the Act and are chartered, driver Cai Mou with streets very well, agreed with 600 Yuan price of tours. By August, before and after the car 6, costs 3600. ”

"This claim, why there are no leading sign? ”

"Fiscal expenditures on operational activities of the annual rental cost is as normal, so I took advantage of this, told CAI to fill a car form, I. ”

"Do you know what you are? ”

"I know that, in violation of disciplinary rules, the 3600 I'll be turned over to the organization. To be honest, it has been crushed by a stone in my heart, now the Organization confess my error, and stone finally fall on the ground! "Li Yilong breathed sighs of relief.

On May 3, 2016, the study by the County Finance Bureau Office, decided to grant Li Yilong administrative warning.

Public funds last name "public", or let "the host"? Have to say, so "filial piety" is undesirable! (Quanjiao County, chuzhou city, Anhui Province, discipline Inspection Commission in Hui Ge)

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-06-11 17:14:53
安徽一干部公款包车替母亲看病 被行政警告处分















  公款姓“公”,岂容“借花献佛”?不得不说,如此“孝心”要不得!(安徽省滁州市全椒县纪委 于戈辉)

(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-06-11 17:14:53

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