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published in(发表于) 2016/3/21 8:09:15 Edit(编辑)
Google threw the phone to the Tiger elephant taking results into a cocked hat,

Google threw the phone to the Tiger elephant taking results into a cocked hat,(谷歌将手机扔给老虎大象自拍,结果动物们懵了,)



Google threw the phone to the Tiger elephant taking Meng-Google results the animals, self portrait-IT information

Google recently released a video on YouTube to promote its Google Photos, but this video, and general product features is somewhat different, Google this learning from Disney animated films in the recent film of the crazy animals of the city, intending to let animals creative photos.

Here′s the thing, Google code monkey will install the Smartphone device into the animals daily activities take place and phone camera software and constantly take photos to capture animals cute look stupid.

While cell phones were installed in a protective device, but because of the size and nature of the different animals are not the same, so the phone may be an elephant stepped on explosive, or as toys to bite by tigers, but Google Photos pictures of the automatic backup feature ensures that photos will be taken automatically to the cloud backup, even if the phone was chewed by animals, and never have to worry about the picture without it. Come and see the different reactions of the animals after seeing the camera device.

Video link: Click here to watch

谷歌手机扔给老虎大象自拍,结果动物们懵了 - 谷歌,自拍 - IT资讯

Google最近在YouTube上发布一段视频来宣传旗下的Google Photos应用,但这个视频和一般的说产品讲特点有些不同,Google这次借鉴了最近上影的迪士尼动画电影《疯狂动物城》,打算让动物们来个创意十足的自拍照。


虽然手机被安装在一个保护装置里面,但由于不同动物的体型和天性都不一样,所以手机可能会被大象踩爆,又或者被老虎当玩具来咬,但Google Photos的照片自动备份功能可以保证拍摄的照片会被自动上传到云端备份,就算手机被动物啃了,也不用担心照片没有。快来看看动物见到这个自拍装置后的不同反应吧。


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