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published in(发表于) 2016/3/21 8:06:48 Edit(编辑)
With 1 century China before the United States similar to the urban experience to draw upon

With 1 century China before the United States similar to the urban experience to draw upon(中国与1个世纪前的美国相似,可借鉴城市化经验)



Media: 1 similar to the United States a century ago, China can learn from the experience of urbanization | | urbanization _ the International Monetary Fund news

Original title: Media: China with 1 century ago United States similar urbanization economies experience to draw upon

  Japan Fuji business news reported March 19 article, the original question: with 1 century China before the United States is similar to begin to learn a lesson from urbanization and economic development China's amazing economic growth is slowing, which some pessimists subjective speculation China's economy will be the bankruptcy of the Soviet Union. But the fact is, China will adopt another model, which is the kind of second half of the 19th century, after the civil war of the United States, through massive investment and technological innovation, and migration to urban areas to achieve the rapid development of the economy.

Shidifen·Zhen, a former International Monetary Fund Economist believes that "compared with the rest of the world's economic power and speed of that point of view, China with the rise of 19th century United States rival. From the impact of China's rise on the world view, with 1 century ago the United States than perhaps the most appropriate. ”

In this case, China began to recognize the importance of relying on domestic demand. 16th Prime Minister Li keqiang said at the press conference after the closing of the national people's Congress: "there is room for promoting industrialization, urbanization is to expand domestic demand, China's biggest opportunity. ”

China is from the United States learn of the history of economic development, advocates should not follow the United States last century 80 's the expense of manufacturing expanded service model. United States Asia strategy investment experts andelu·luosiman that "scale, modern history and political system in China is very unique, not to follow any pattern to the simple form. ”

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
International Monetary Fund urbanization

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Global times
日媒:中国与1个世纪前美相似 可借鉴城市化经验|国际货币基金组织|城市化_新闻资讯

  原标题:日媒:中国与1个世纪前美国相似 可借鉴城市化经济经验

  日本《富士产经商报》3月19日文章,原题:中国与1个世纪前的美国相似,开始从城市化等经济发展中汲取教训 中国经济的惊人发展正逐渐放缓,这让一些悲观派主观臆测中国经济会出现苏联那样的破产局面。但事实是,中国将采取另一种模式,那就是像19世纪下半叶南北战争后的美国一样,通过大规模投资和技术革新,以及向城市地区的转移来实现经济的急速发展。




责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

国际货币基金组织 城市化


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