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published in(发表于) 2016/3/21 8:06:28 Edit(编辑)
Total iron cut coal railway freight in China, equivalent to coal price fall by 30 yuan per ton

Total iron cut coal railway freight in China, equivalent to coal price fall by 30 yuan per ton(中国铁总下调煤炭铁路运费,相当于煤价每吨下降30元)



Total iron cut coal rail freight equivalent of coal prices in China fell by 30 yuan per ton

Reform of railway freight, coal rail freight up to 20%, indirect positive thermal power industry. In parallel with the railway freight volume, is expected to make about 30 yuan/ton coal price, good development of China's Western coal.

Surging News (www.thepaper.CN) from Shanxi fen Wei energy development advisory limited (Xia said "fen Wei energy"), understand to, China Railway Corporation (following referred to "in the iron total") March 18 issued of China Railway Corporation on advance railway supply side reform deepening modern logistics construction drag Rod measures of notification (following referred to "notification") said, will to coal, and smelting material for focus, through expanded railway freight adjustment independent permission, strongly achieved cargo rallied.

Iron is always said in the notice, in order to implement the requirements of national supply side reform, adapt to the business owner needs to reduce logistics costs, give full play to green energy advantages of rail transport, expanding railway in comprehensive transportation system in market share, and total iron in deepening the reform of freight.

In the notice on the main content of coal freight: coal freight rates to fall no more than 20%, determined by the independent of the railway (including tubes and pass through) have been implemented policy of floating railway company is still in the original tube in tube.

Surging energy price group manager Zeng Hao fen-Wei told the news (www.thepaper.CN), and total iron in the cut coal freight, iron can increase the total freight volume, on the other hand will benefit Western coal's competitive advantage. If is measured in accordance with the highest percentage of 20%, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi's coal is shipped to Qinhuangdao and other coastal areas would reduce the price of 30 yuan/ton.

China coal society General Secretary Zhao Jialian and Zeng Hao were surging on the news, said the downgrade of railway freight, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and other places of high quality coal transportation costs compared to the coastal areas in coastal areas to import overseas coal costs can be significantly reduced, but also to exert the advantages of Western coal.

Iron is always said in the notice, with a focus on coal, metallurgical material, through the expansion of railway freight rate adjustment independent permissions firmly realize the cargo to rebound. It is understood that the railway freight volume declined in nearly two years. In 2015, the national railway 3.36 billion tons of total cargo throughput, down 11.9%.

The China Railway Corporation third quarter of 2015, audit report, third quarter of 2015 years ago, iron in the first three quarters of the total income of 657.774 billion yuan,-9.435 billion yuan in net profit,-3.442 billion yuan from a year earlier, down to 174.11%. Previously reported, three quarter of 2015, Fe total total revenue of 444.77 billion yuan, down 0.29%; freight revenue of 174.112 billion yuan, down by 9.09%.

In the railway freight transport volume accounted for more than half of the coal, due to the nearly two-year slump, freight traffic fell sharply.

According to the national development and Reform Commission's Web site, in 2015, the rail shipment of 2 billion tons of coal, down 12.6%. Major coal transportation in the channel, completed on Daqin line capacity of 400 million tons of coal, down 11.8%; Houma-yueshan line completed 170 million tons, a drop of 11.7%. Development and Reform Commission, the latest data showed January 2016 railway coal shipped 176 million tons, down by 10.8%. In addition, Zeng Hao, also known as the Daqin line coal shipment fell in February this year to about 27%, which is a record low.

Zeng Hao said in addition to the coal market downturn freight traffic decline, increasingly low car shipping costs in nearly two years, which occupy a coal railway transportation market. Two years ago, transport within a distance of 300 kilometers, motor transport is cheaper; a year ago, transport within a distance of 500 kilometers, motor transport is cheaper now, 700 or 800 km to transport, car transport is cheap.

While, notification in the also provides, oil still implementation both freight policy; alumina (0562), and aluminum ingots (0561027) by Corporation unified consultations determine, currently temporarily implementation both freight policy; on associated sex strong of port metal ore (04), freight floating not over 20% by railway since set, over 20% Shi by Corporation and manpower consultations determine; on coke (03) implemented real heavy billing, and implementation unified of freight floating policy, our car shipment Coke Shi ban added loaded surrounding block, Ban charged surrounding block miscellaneous, and should loaded full our car volume; on steel and the nonferrous metals produced finished (ingot billet 0520, and steel 0530, and nonferrous metals and processing village 0571, and semiconductor material 0573, and oil casing tubing 0574), implemented real heavy billing, strictly implementation mount reinforcement programme, and implementation unified of freight floating policy; eight is original linkage regional within above variable cost and freight floating over 30% of project still can continued.

In addition, the notice said, a unified railway joint ventures with the State through freight rate, speed up 35 tons of our top application, strengthening the construction of dedicated management and use, the strengthening of price supervision and guidance.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-03-21 20:13:29
中国铁总下调煤炭铁路运费 相当于煤价每吨下降30元














(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-03-21 20:13:29

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