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published in(发表于) 2016/3/19 12:33:47 Edit(编辑)
Return to embarrass: 360 took off no landing,

Return to embarrass: 360 took off no landing,(中概股回归尴尬:360起飞无处落地,)



Return to embarrass: 360 took off no floor-unit, 360, storm-IT information

A storm earlier this year of science and technology (300431. SZ), a seven years holding (002027. SZ) and at the end of a century cruises (002558.SZ), 2015 year return wave of outbreaks in years, data based on clear Research Center last year, a total of 33 companies listed in the US receive a buyout offer.

Cruise of the century shares soared all the way at the same time, said a number of bodies have been tuorenqing to the odd Tiger 360 (QIHU.N) CEO Zhou found a copy of the company′s privatization shares, shares in the privatization process in the large arbitrage space, not only in the unit′s controller, and immediately respond to funding.

Expected qihoo 360 at the end of March the successful completion of privatization, but the country is a "cancel strategies emerging" message, qihoo 360, the dilemma facing a return to, and whether it was lining up IPO or backdoor listing, in the short term I′m afraid regulators cannot live with a market value of more than 300 billion yuan in big Macs.

Regression of time, whether it is with Zhou hongyi of Bank loan funds, or who promise investors exited the term of investment fund is the biggest cost.

Behind the 360 driver

Reportedly, qihoo 360 will hold a special meeting on March 30 at its headquarters in international electronic city, vote on the privatization agreement prior to, if shareholders vote through, qihoo 360 will successfully complete privatization.

According to the Morgan Stanley said in a report, given the odd Tiger 360 company CEO Zhou hongyi and substantial voting power held by the President of qihoo, qihoo 360, a successful privatization program is barrier-free.

As of March 18, qihoo 360 on the New York Stock Exchange′s closing price of ADS was 74.92 dollars per share, than the previous buyer opened Union ADS 77 dollars per share cash offer, arbitrage is running low on space 3%, which suggests that investors ′ expectations of Yu Qihu 360 complete privatization is strong.

In accordance with a previous outflow of an allegedly qihoo 360 privatization project underwriter according to the information, the privatization project at the end of 2015 to determine privatization funds in mid-March 2016 is fully financed, and complete the privatization of qihoo 360 delisting, then, will be torn down in red-chip architecture ready to return to a-share listing, expected to be through regulatory approval before the end of this year.

For this return to the path of a shares after market cruise of the century is expected to follow the example of the giant network backdoor, backdoor listing method is used, here, qihoo 360 market borrowing is also the subject of rumors, is absurd, Sino Microelectronics (600360. SH) just because the securities code "360", became the object of speculation.

However different Yu giant network backdoor of century tour round, its highest market only 15 billion yuan, currently the unit of market about only 7.7 billion yuan around; for odd Tiger 360lai said, the unit currently in stocks of market on has up to 9.7 billion dollars, combined its last year first half of up to 13.4 billion Yuan Yuan of net profit, market expected the unit return shares zhihou of market or will over 300 billion yuan, for such of a only giant no PA, in current such of a stressed stable of market environment zhixia, Is backdoor listing or queued IPO, regulators can release is extremely difficult.

Strategic emerging originally had previously listed the Shanghai Stock Exchange Board for a road, but on March 15 when outgoing "strategy emerging from the ′ Thirteen-Five ′ plan removed" message means the most convenient listing will also be completely turned off.

In long-term research stocks investment of Tiger securities seems, "strategy emerging Board of listed conditions more for in the almost unit, first strategy emerging Board will desalination profit requirements, will used diversified of listed standard system, compared Yu new ban and venture board, can said strategy emerging Board is for those return of in the almost unit tailored build of, and the canceled strategy emerging Board, will bad privatization".

Reporters noted that was cancelled in March 15 outgoing strategy emerging news, qihoo 360 ′s shares have been falling slightly and return to stocks and the other Mo Mo (MOMO.O) or more than 10%.

New Board canceled for this strategy will affect qihoo 360 ′s return, the reporter does not receive response from the company.

Qihoo 360, is on the return road, even without a strategic emerging, both are members of the League of Zhou hongyi was the buyer, are bound to take down, because according to the signed agreement, then any unauthorized breach, must bear the responsibility.

According to information displayed, odd Tiger 360 the privatization of sources, part is existing shareholders of shares transfer about 3 billion dollars, including Zhou hongyi and President qihoo and Sequoia Capital holds of shares; second part is Bank provides of debt financing, about 3.4 billion dollars, including 3 billion dollars 7 years period long-term loan and 400 million dollars bridge funds; third part is 4.5 billion to 5.5 billion dollars of equity financing, which including 1.5 billion dollars from management layer through two home investment company shares, The remaining 3 billion to $ 4 billion from the BRIC capital, ping an insurance company, Sun life, Taikang life, China and Thailand u-and new capital and other institutional funds.

Among them, shares of two listed companies are also involved, on December 26 last year, CITIC Guoan (000839. SZ) announced that the company will pay $ 400 million to participate in privatization of qihoo 360 shares 4.3% per cent of the total cash consideration of privatization the other media (000917. SZ) through subscription "huarong 360 special investment funds" of indirect investment of 300 million Yuan, and in proportion to the amount otherwise provided 61 million Yuan bridge funding.

Return of capital on the way orgy

Although Zhou hongyi had publicly rebuffed a number of bodies, "tuorenqing", but it is the irrepressible enthusiasm of these institutional funds, after all, so far the largest with nothing in return, side of the current market value of less than US $ 10 billion, it is clear that there are huge profits and the valuation of the shares.

For a large number of units, controllers had to design a sophisticated programme, control the proportion of equity financing to ensure that after the reunification not because of dilution and loss of control of listed companies, on the other hand, if the proportion of debt financing have led to subsequent pay too much pressure, and high interest rates on long-term loans must be taken into account in the financing costs.

Standing unit point of view, they want to introduce strategic investors, not only seeking short-term arbitrage private-equity funds, including previously qihoo 360 took out $ 400 million shares to CITIC Guoan, also want their future to more cooperation in business and technology.

This which, first find have opportunities of is brokerage investment banking, they used "investment banking + investment" of mode participation to these in the almost unit of return in the, the odd Tiger 360 return of institutions funds in the, China XING capital previously had teamed up CITIC Securities, and huatai Swiss joint of behind, huatai securities and Sequoia Capital in last year June teamed up established has huatai Swiss joint industry merger Fund (II period), which important of a investment target is in the almost unit and red chips of return, and huatai securities its is responsible for investment banking business of huatai joint securities, Is the return of qihoo 360 lead underwriters.

However, as can be seen from the media announcement, this "360 huarong special investment funds" is the huarong securities for participation in privatization of qihoo 360 return to a-share listing projects and set up an investment fund.

According to earlier media reports, qihoo 360 privatization had taken a "two-tier distribution" model, which was completed by several power distribution, by the hands of these institutions for the financing, in the form of distribution shares again.

Huge profit margins, return on the private market has launched a capital of Carnival, currently on the market on the return of private equity is also a mixed bag.

A stock-listed company executives had previously told reporters he now participate in some activities, some private equity firms came to exchange business cards, asking whether the company had plans to return to the a-share; at the beginning of this year, were heard on the market called "pufangda a return value in the second phase of bedrock" private equity products Icahn Ambassador the money into China′s first medical unit (KANG.O) return of privatization, but Icahn then Ambassador, he came forward to be rumor, and bedrock of the company capital from any cooperation, nor released any Ambassador privatization-related private equity products with Icahn.

In a private equity sales platform Shang, reporter can easily check to a paragraph name for "new equation Kai e returnees 1 period" of Fund products, investment threshold for 1 million Yuan, investment target main is June joint capital new sea 1th, Fund, and as child Fund of investment range is main is overseas back city, and overseas red raised and the split VIE returned a, project; and in another a sales platform Shang, a paragraph name for "Galaxy securities top in the almost unit return equity fund", minimum subscription amount for 2 million Yuan, acquired period for "5+2", Expected annual yield of 80%.

For capital of Carnival, has has institutions in report in the tips risk, think the canceled strategy emerging Board means with in the almost unit company return shares of uncertainty increased, time cost also may will rose, especially for privatization proposed party, strategy emerging Board if was stopped will caused must negative effect, main reflected in time cost and financing difficulty Shang, so will combat company and PE Fund participation of enthusiasm, as future whether will occurred big area stopped privatization or cut offer price, also to be observation.

中概股回归尴尬:360起飞无处落地 - 中概股,360,暴风影音 - IT资讯






























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