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published in(发表于) 2016/5/19 6:23:48 Edit(编辑)
117 million accounts were stolen, led the British are most vulnerable to crack password exposure

117 million accounts were stolen, led the British are most vulnerable to crack password exposure(1.17亿账户被盗,领英最易被破解密码曝光,)



117 million accounts were stolen, leading British exposure are most vulnerable to crack passwords-passwords, and brought British, LinkedIn-IT information

On May 19, in IT the information referred to in the report in the morning, before a claim of "peace" (Peace) hackers are 5 coins (about 14,400 Yuan) sold 117 million price tag in the dark network LinkedIn login credentials, this data is a cyber attack from 2012 .

While we understand that stolen passwords are encrypted, but in the case of sufficient time and resources, solve them is not difficult. And early LinkedIn not more advanced processing of user data, it also makes it easier for hackers to steal user passwords.

For this account leaks, LinkedIn, responded that they are assessing the impact the range of data and can still use passwords. In 2012 and that the data breach, LinkedIn require users to change their passwords, however, at that time the account has affected only 6.5 million.

Now, the LeakedSource website for LinkedIn users most common-is also easy to break 49 passwords, we may as well with their own passwords under control, didn't see a gun.

1.17亿账户被盗,领英最易被破解密码曝光 - 密码,领英,LinkedIn - IT资讯





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