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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 8:37:56 Edit(编辑)
Returns broadcast June 6, Internet banking products: balance Bao stand up to them,

Returns broadcast June 6, Internet banking products: balance Bao stand up to them,

Returns broadcast June 6, Internet banking products: balance stands the-Po balance treasure, wealth through Baidu Pak make Sina weibo, wealth, Jingdong slush fund, Campbell-IT news Returns broadcast June 6, Internet banking products: balance treasure hold

Various "treasures" everywhere, which one is the best way to make money? SINA science and technology put together several mainstream Internet financing products earnings, every day, rain or shine.

▲ Income charts

June 4 Po class balance financial product benefits:

"The balance of treasure"

Tianhong increased liberty currency

7th annual yield: 4.681%

Earnings (Yuan): 1.2818

"Micro-finance link"

Chinese wealth

7th annual yield: 4.518%

Earnings (Yuan): 1.1992

"Baidu Pak earned ligunli Edition"

Harvest demand PO currency

7th annual yield: 4.973%

Earnings (Yuan): 1.325

"Sina wealth"

Parent company cash treasure

7th annual yield: 4.515%

Earnings (Yuan): 1.2081

"Jing dong slush fund"

Harvest life wallet

7th annual yield: 4.937%

Earnings (Yuan): 1.3236

"NetEase cash treasure"

Parent company cash treasure

7th annual yield: 4.515%

Earnings (Yuan): 1.2081

"Suning change Po"

GF red everyday currency

7th annual yield: 4.688%

Earnings (Yuan): 1.5023

(Note: money market funds typically will be announced at about 6 o'clock in the afternoon the same day receipts, income usually the day before the data listed in this article)

(Note 2: SINA NetEase cash wealth and Bao Bao butted his parent company cash monetary funds, gains the same direction. )

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