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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:13:16 Edit(编辑)
Jobs ’ 9 predictions for 20 years ago, have now come true,

Jobs ’ 9 predictions for 20 years ago, have now come true,(20年前乔布斯的9大预测,现在都已成真,)



Jobs ′ 9 predictions for 20 years ago, have now come true – jobs, Tesla, Amazon-IT information

In 1996, it is still a research project at Stanford University, the most advanced PC systems are Windows 95, Amazon also sells books and small startups. Jobs returned to Apple. In this year, he told Wired magazine in an interview. Although the iMac, iPod and iPhone is only many years later, but he accurately foresaw the development direction of the computer industry. See below accurately foresee what jobs.

Steve′s main prediction is that the Internet will be everywhere. Of course, many people have predicted this, but his prediction even suggests that today′s mobile first world of the Internet. "Internet dial tone will be everywhere. Everything any common interest. ”

Another prediction: e-commerce is the most important activity on the network. When jobs was asked who are the biggest beneficiaries of the network, he said that beneficiaries will be people selling things. "This is e-commerce. People will no longer be shopping around. They will buy things on the Web! ”

Amazon founder Bezos clearly hear Steve, even though his company at the time was a small start-up company that specializes in books. 20 years after that in 2015, Amazon′s net sales reached $ 105 billion. Even large retail chains such as Wal-Mart are now struggling to keep up with the pace and had to shut down a lot of window dressing.

In this interview, Steve Jobs claimed that e-commerce "will come in two years", electronic commerce will be huge in terms of size. "The third thing is e-commerce, it is harder than complicated Web publishing system. Network because you have to be bound to your order management system. I think we still have two years to wait for it to appear. However, it will be huge in terms of size. "However, some e-commerce sites failed to form a climate. For example, the site because of too little revenue and had to quit the industry in 2000.

Jobs said that if the "network account for all transactions in goods and services in the country of 10%, then it will become a phenomenon. "According to the United States statistics, e-commerce now has 7.5% per cent of all retail sales.

Jobs also predicts that the Internet will become a powerful tool for bypassing the middleman. In the past 20 years, technology startup′s main mode of operation is to bypass middlemen and directly to consumers. "The network will become a merchant selling goods directly to consumers or information dissemination channels. It will bypass all the middlemen. In fact, our society has too much intermediaries. They slowed the pace of sales of goods, improved commodity prices. Internet will wipe them out. "Mr jobs said. Now, a lot of startups are trying to bypass the middleman. For example, Casper company sales pad directly to consumers; Warby Parker company direct sales of glasses to the people that need it; like Kickstarter company provides direct investment in the production of their creative products.

He warned that "ignoring the change of large companies will be punished. "" Enterprises will face big changes every few decades, one of the networks will be one of the big changes. Over the next ten years, enterprises are facing the biggest change will be the rise of the network. "Mr jobs said. Now, taxi companies, bookshops and record companies should agree with this view.

AJAX (Web development techniques for creating interactive Web applications) and Web 2.0, the term prior to the emergence of a few years, he foresaw a network application will be fully developed. "People will begin to publish a variety of complex applications over the network. These Web applications will appear in the next 12-18 months explosion. "" This is the next important stage in the development of the network. "He said," have you seen the FedEx Web site? There, where you can track your parcel. ”

Jobs is another amazing prediction that he foresaw the Tesla Motors, or at least the emergence of Tesla′s model. "In car dealerships, for example. Inventories accounted for a large amount of money, billions of dollars in funds. Stock is not a good thing, which occupy the capital, vulnerable to damage, it had become obsolete. It requires a lot of time to manage. And, in most cases, the car you want, the color you want, there is not, so you can bargain with them. Cancel all those stocks isn′t better? You direct booking of car do you want, the color or other elements you want, and then get it in a week. ”

Now, Tesla Motors stock hardly any cars. Instead, potential buyers can view the model cars, then on the Internet or through a sales book. Then, from time to time, they can directly to your car. Of course, the Tesla company′s distribution pattern may have also been inspired by the Apple store. Therefore, there is a dispute here: what is Steve Jobs seen Tesla, or is he inspired it?

Steve jobs is expected, desktop personal computers "in the next ten years will go into the dark ages. "In 2006, Apple Mac computers use Intel processors, subverted the moribund market. Now, Apple is the only PC computer manufacturers saw sales growth. "In the end, Microsoft would be down because of complacency. Maybe it will have some new things out. However, unless there is some significant technological innovations, or Microsoft will die. ”

Steve Jobs seems to foresee a cloud service, such as Google or Apple iCloud Drive. "Once I manage my storage file is not required, if I lived in this interconnected world, I have a lot of new options. "" In fact, I no longer have to store anything. I often use e-mail and the Internet. With these two things, I don′t have to manage my stored files. In fact, my favorite way to remind myself to do something is to send yourself an email. This is my store. "Mr jobs said.

Before Google developed its search engine, jobs seems to think of Chromebook will become a product. "Someone might come up with some very interesting Internet terminals. "" It′s like the old mainframes. Web browser is non-intelligent terminals, network server you like to handle all tasks of large machines. "Mr jobs said.

Jobs has been very supportive to the application of technology in school teaching. However, as early as 1996, he does not recognize that simply adding technology can improve the quality of teaching. He called for reinvent technology, so as to meet the school requirements. Now, his widow, Laurene? Powell? jobs (Laurene Powell Jobs) is a Charter School (improving public schools) ′s main supporters.

Jobs also claimed that people have lived in the "information overload", "most people had access to far more information than they can be assimilate. "This view is still correct today. However, the photo-sharing application Instagram and micro-blogging site Twitter was attracted to people who may not agree with this view.

Although jobs accurately foresee the revolutionary influence networks for businesses, but he said technology will not change the world. This view can be said to be wrong! "The network will become extremely important. However, it will change many people′s lives? No, what I mean is, it may be, but not necessarily. At this time, the answer to it is not deterministic. It may unwittingly affect people. However, it was certainly not brought great shock to people, just like the first time I saw TV, radio shock the first time. "Mr jobs said. 11 years later, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, shaken and changed the world.

20年前乔布斯的9大预测,现在都已成真 - 乔布斯,特斯拉,亚马逊 - IT资讯

1996年,谷歌还是斯坦福大学的一个研究项目,最先进的PC系统还是Windows 95,亚马逊还只是一家卖书的小小初创公司。而乔布斯还没有回到苹果。在这一年,乔布斯接受了《连线》杂志的采访。尽管iMac、iPod和iPhone是后来好多年才有的东西,但是乔布斯准确预见到了电脑行业的发展方向。下面看看乔布斯准确预见到了哪些事情。






乔布斯还预测,互联网将会成为人们绕开中间商的强大工具。在过去20年中,科技初创公司的主要经营方式就是绕开中间商,直接面向消费者。“网络将成为商家直接面向消费者销售商品或发布信息的渠道。它将绕开所有中间商。事实上,我们这个社会有了太多中间商。他们减缓了商品的销售进度,提高了商品的价格。互联网将会彻底消灭他们。”乔布斯说。现在,很多初创公司都力图绕开中间商。例如,Casper公司直接销售垫子给消费者;Warby Parker公司直接销售眼镜给需要它的人群;Kickstarter公司则让人们直接投资生产他们喜欢的创意产品。


在AJAX(一种创建交互式网页应用的网页开发技术)和Web 2.0等术语出现之前的几年,乔布斯就预见到网络应用程序将会获得全面发展。“人们将开始在网络上发布各种复杂的应用程序。这些网络应用程序将会在未来12-18个月内出现爆炸式增长。”“这是网络发展的下一个重要阶段。”乔布斯说,“你看过联邦快递公司的网站吗?在那里,你可以跟踪你的包裹到了哪里。”






乔布斯一直很支持将科技应用到学校教育教学活动中。但是,早在1996年,他就认识到简单地添加科技并不就能提高教学质量。他要求对科技产品进行彻底改造,使之适应学校的要求。现在,他的遗孀劳伦娜?鲍威尔?乔布斯(Laurene Powell Jobs)就是特许学校(改良公立学校)的主要支持者。



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