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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:13:08 Edit(编辑)
Japan hiring full time Ninja: monthly million, must be able to flip,

Japan hiring full time Ninja: monthly million, must be able to flip,(日本招聘全职忍者:月薪过万元,必须会后空翻,)



Japan hiring full time Ninja: million Yuan a month, have to backflip-Japan, recruitment, Ninja-IT information

Nagoya City is famous for its Japan Aichi, recruit 6 "full time Ninja", candidates don′t know ninjutsu, but good road, likes to express themselves, and know how to entertain others.

Ninja a 1-year contract, a monthly salary of 180,000 yen (about 10,000 yuan), plus a bonus, any interested men and women aged 18 to 30 years old, regardless of nationality can apply for it.

To become a Ninja, needs to be able to perform a number of acrobatics, such as star-shaped darts, must also back flips and dance. Aichi Prefectural Tourism Bureau said the candidates can speak Japanese as well, but also welcome non-Japanese who are interested in history and sightseeing, join the sometimes performed in English performance groups.

日本招聘全职忍者:月薪过万元,必须会后空翻 - 日本,招聘,忍者 - IT资讯




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