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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:13:04 Edit(编辑)
Interviewed by the food and drug administration in Beijing is hungry: rectification within three weeks must be accomplished,

Interviewed by the food and drug administration in Beijing is hungry: rectification within three weeks must be accomplished,(北京食药监局约谈饿了么:必须三周内整改完毕,)



Interviewed by the food and drug administration in Beijing is hungry: you must complete rectification within three weeks-315, hungry, Takeaway-IT information

This morning, the network ordering chaos staged exposure, including the food and Drug Administration called "hungry", about 10 takeaway meals in Beijing Platform for interviews. In interviews at the meeting, municipal Bureau of food and drug officials said the reservation platform with network violation violation "knock dead end" and said some were exposed enterprises without a license for a "vest" still continues to operate on the online reservation platform. Meanwhile, food and drug administration requires business to unit canteens, central kitchen, as well as personal chefs may not be up and running. Beijing Municipal food and drug administration requirements each network reservation platforms as required, corrective action is completed in three weeks.

Online reservation platform three weeks of rectification must be accomplished

This morning, the municipal food and Drug Administration convened in Beijing interviewed the heads of network ordering platform, there are hungry, the United States, home dining, about 10 online reservation platforms. For an online reservation platform license qualification, health, business and other issues, Beijing Municipal food and drug administration requirements each network reservation platforms must be within three weeks of completion of corrective action as required. Three weeks later, for ordering illegal behavior on the Internet, the municipal food and Drug Administration will strictly deal with.

Will Shang, is responsible for network regulatory of food market everywhere long Li said, currently city food drug prison Council has national system in the first support network prison Brigade, for some think city food drug prison Council personnel enough, and technology not strong, and cannot reached city monitoring of enterprise, don't has fluke psychological, city food drug prison Council will and network food, and catering illegal violations problem "died knock what".

Li, the Commissioner said, some companies see municipal food and Drug Administration announced measures for the supervision and administration of the network food sale was "trying to play" think of themselves as new industry model to State support, but new industry model case do not violate laws and regulations.

Li, the Commissioner requires network reservation platforms to platform operators ask for business licenses, catering or food license, such as livestock commodity inspection certificate, etc. In addition, there are employee health certificates and qualification of distribution and so on. Li, the Director stressed that if there is a physical store, qualification of these files is a restaurant-store essential qualifications requiring businesses to provide, is not a difficult business. In addition, businesses set up risk management qualifications, set up and check the qualification of the inspectors.

Dining room, private kitchen are not allowed on the line

Municipal food and drug administration food services Director Liu guobin clear at present in Beijing and the country issued to a private chef meals or food license, that is, to residential address "private kitchen" is not on the line operate takeout meals. In addition, the business unit canteens and central kitchen are not allowed to launch operations.

Liu guobin said will use the most stringent means to manage network catering. Currently food and drug departments have implemented bi-directional transfer of the case, for example, Beijing enterprises in the field of illegal, foreign food and medicine sector will transfer cases, two-way process.

In addition, all cases of punishment to make information public. "Feel like I don't care about money penalty business, also to consider his reputation. "Liu guobin said violation of the blacklist of enterprises will be included in the credit discipline.

Liu guobin said a range of delivery platforms delivery issues must be integrated into enterprise management. "Yesterday I specially ordered takeout, room coat of oil can when a raincoat. "In addition, Liu guobin said some undocumented enterprises have been exposed, for a" vest "staged a live after operation. "This situation we met once at a time, until they were shut down so far. ”

At noon today, informed the Bureau of industry and commerce in Beijing, Chaoyang branch since 2015 only combined with territorial Governments, food and drug supervision departments have been shut against the use of "hungry" the processing order of the illegal network delivery platform for more than more than 350 households.

北京食药监局约谈饿了么:必须三周内整改完毕 - 315,饿了么,外卖 - IT资讯













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