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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:12:38 Edit(编辑)
High school students interested in history: a micro-two thousand or three thousand a month, public,

High school students interested in history: a micro-two thousand or three thousand a month, public,(高中生热爱历史:开微信公众号月入两三千,)



High school students interested in history: opened its monthly income of two thousand or three thousand micro-app public letter, the app-IT, public information

Cao Qiyue 18 years old is a third year Arts student, fond of history and international relations topics, he launched a public "interesting history" specifically designed to reproduce and articles related to history and international relations. His surprise is, as the amount of fans gradually increased, begin the public advertising, the public now can give him two thousand or three thousand Yuan income each month.

Cousin, made public two years ago he tempted

"My Cao Qiyue is the son of a high school student, he made himself a public micro-letter, did not think this letter now, public revenue, can earn two thousand or three thousand Yuan a month, enough to feed himself. I think this is quite interesting, we hope that the business concerned. "Yesterday, members of the public phoned Mr CAO.

Yesterday afternoon, the huashang newspaper reporter went to Cao Qiyue Northwestern University high school campus in Taoyuan, met Cao Qiyue. The 18 year old boy wears glasses, looks a little shy, but talked about their current business, public, immediately opened the round table.

"In December 2014, I contact the app to the public, and history relating to the concerns. At that time, my cousin has opened a public, are about food, although his final public did not run, but he has passed, the public has found a job. My cousin told me, public, if done well, it can slowly make money. "Cao Qiyue said he in to try out ideas, also opened a public number, named" history so interesting. "

"Because I am a liberal arts students, interested in history and international relations, that got me thinking, doing, and my interest in public, I will not be bored. ”

Began to rise slower adjustment the main fan of "international relations"

Cao Qiyue said, a began, himself also only by with in friends circle forward to increased fans, often good days to increased a a fans, but he no gave up, "I daily are insisted reproduced articles, some and history about, some and international relationship about, I slowly found, on history interested in of people less, on international relationship interested in of people more, a forward and international relationship about of, click volume on will more. Then I thought, related to forwarding and international relations, and slowly more and more fans. ”

Chinese journalists to view Robin Cao, Yue Weixin public background found, from December 2014, he published the information altogether 447, ended yesterday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, his fans up to 84,779.

"Over 50,000 followers, you can apply for ' flow ', this also means that there can be income. "Cao Qiyue said September 2015, first, rely on public money, while only hundreds of Yuan, but was very happy to be self-reliant.

Cao Qiyue showed Chinese business newspaper background, public financial management, found and read the article about his income, earn per 100-290 range, "two thousand or three thousand Yuan a month, parents can not afford my living expenses. "Cao Qiyue said proudly.

Simulation test-graders does not affect the public, learning the top ten

Cao Qiyue said he came home half an hour fast every day after school, to spend another 40 minutes or so, sprucing up public.

Take care of the public occupy the learning time, influence learning? Cao Qiyue said: "for me to do, public, is learning to relax, also can extend reading, I feel that is conducive to learning. ”

Talking about plans for the future, said Cao Qiyue, at present mainly forward, his public, he was at the beginning of each article also have a description. Exam is over, he also wanted to do some original work. "After college, I would choose the direction of history, international relations, media, College, or will you continue to do, the public, for my fans to see more and better works. ”

Cao Qiyue teacher, middle school third year arts class at Northwestern University said Bao Juanli, teachers and classmates know Cao Qiyue doing public things, he was very low key, learned that he made public, very happy for him, "Cao Qiyue good academic performance, last year simulated exams, results in grade ten, is a very good, very thoughtful students. ”

Father Cao Cao Qiyue said, he is supporting his son to make public, he felt that students have outside the study, should also develop their own interests and all-round development, and wanted his son to encourage other students, without affecting learning, can broaden their horizons and acquire more skills.

高中生热爱历史:开微信公众号月入两三千 - 微信,微信公众号 - IT资讯


















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