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published in(发表于) 2016/3/29 11:01:19 Edit(编辑)
A4 waist is obsolete! Look at my Apple iPhone6s legs,

A4 waist is obsolete! Look at my Apple iPhone6s legs,(A4腰已过时!看我苹果iPhone6s腿,)



A4 waist is obsolete! My Apple-iPhone6s iPhone6s legs, love crazy legs, A4 waist-IT information

March 29, since self-timer began popular Hou, on was like through this a means in various social network Shang anger brush exists sense, later may think simple of Sun self-timer others hard found highlights, so will has has various pattern Sun as, like backhand touch navel, and clavicle put coins and Qian soon popular of A4 waist, this class fast food type of play often soon on will obsolete, like now people has not Sun A4 waist, modified Sun "Apple leg" has.

Recently, the network began a sister to start drying "love crazy legs", as its name implies, is iPhone6/6s mobile products placed close together in the lap, if the knees can be cell phone cover, is the so-called "love crazy legs." Another game, but it is also just, theme was "Sun". If you are not interested in this new play, can be ignored when looking at the graph automatically phone ... ...

Small editor here would also like to remind everyone, have a good body is a good thing, but blind comparisons do not advocate, damage health nor wise for the body. (Image from @ Sina, Hubei)

A4腰已过时!看我苹果iPhone6s腿 - iPhone6s,爱疯腿,A4腰 - IT资讯




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