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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:12:20 Edit(编辑)
Foreseeable, perhaps we can type like this,

Foreseeable, perhaps we can type like this,(能掐会算,或许我们可以这样打字,)



Foreseeable, maybe we can type-virtual keyboard, finger keyboard-IT information

When you can′t or don′t want to use voice-activated typing, you can try the finger keyboard, it can also be coupled with gesture tracking devices and virtual reality. Unlike other virtual keyboard is different, this design would not burden the arm and hand, causing "gorilla arm". Although the user′s arm may not be placed on a solid surface, but because of the physical and tactile finger input, and the experience was great. Humanity has a number of phalanges is ideal for finger keyboard!

When you want to type the letter d, like this ...

By the way, why is in the order of qwert? not a designer living in the ancient world? why design, does not want to change too much, after all, we are used to this keyboard patterns, keep this pattern to facilitate our transition from traditional keyboard to not be familiar with the finger keyboard, can also allow more people to accept the new input methods. But not to do so, so we call it a "concept"!

Lower part of the right hand gestures and symbols, so you can quickly to those most commonly used keys.

Palm-more character-open the keyboard

Different from the lower part of his right hand, left hand was needed with the right hand on the lower part of touch input. Numbers are commonly used, but not the space bar, so you can use the other hand to enter.

能掐会算,或许我们可以这样打字 - 虚拟键盘,手指键盘 - IT资讯







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