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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:09:01 Edit(编辑)
Balance Po II “jam“

Balance Po II “jam“(余额宝二代“卡壳”,)

Balance Po II "choke"-Po II, balance, balance Po-IT information Balance Po II "jam"

On February 14, 2014, the highly publicized "Po user balances exclusive rights 2" officially on sale, this is the balance after Po, PayPal's financial products. Eventually, in less than 6 minutes left, and 43,000 subscribers will scale products sold amounted to 880 million dollars.

Different from the previously expected balance treasure II, this product is not a public fund, but insurance products. Late last year the outgoing, youtianhong, South, ICBC, e, State Street, Tak Bong six fund companies short-term financial products tailored for Ali it's gone nowhere to be seen.

The first financial daily has learned from several fund companies, completed late last year declared and entered the closed beta phase of balance of the original Po halted Po II products have been paid, for which the company was asked to redesign yields above 6%, guaranteed income, duration of more than six months.

Balance Po II "jam"

In December 2013, many fund companies who confirmed to this newspaper, Bao II is the balance youtianhong, South, ICBC, e, State Street, Tak Bong six fund managers design tailored for Ali 7, 14, 30, 45, 60, 90 days of different periods of short-term financial products, is expected to launch in January 2014.

The SFC's latest disclosure of fund raising progress made in the application for approval, in November 2013, during December, the southern, ICBC, e, DAO Fu, Debon five fund companies are reporting of short-term financial products.

Judging from the current approval process, State Street reported to debt-finance base has 60 days from December 2013, and us, the South, reported by ICBC and vulnerable to short-term financial products is still being processed.

Then, several customization was already imminent public offering where product will be? Balance Po get cold feet if second generation for the gun?

In the indigenous balance of second generation designed a number of fund company confirmed to reporters, at the end of December last year, the completed product declarations and entered the closed beta phase of the original Po suddenly halted Po II are to be paid the balance and put forward new requirements in the hope that fund companies are redesigning products.

One fund company Department told Xinhua, when products of five companies have reported, the system was also ready, all set in the same time, analyzed the balance PayPal customer structures, as well as Shen Bao foreclosure data, in the hope that new adjustments on a regular basis.

Reporter information obtained from several fund companies, PayPal fund managers design request for three new products on a regular basis: yield is above 6%, guaranteed income, duration of more than six months. PayPal type does not have specific requirements for products, and companies design products according to their own circumstances, as long as these three conditions are met.

Some fund companies said the above, PayPal "cold gun" reasons did not expressly inform the fund company, Alipay wants treasure II and balances Po separation clearer. "Estimated product diverted Po customer balance concerns. ”

Other fund companies involved in the project said that, in relation to public offering, for now, if you want to meet these three conditions, debt can only be graded base class a is even possible, but if a class a contract returns rate is above 6%, b it is difficult to raise and easy loss, could no longer support the bond market, a high risk factor.

"If it's done in the short term financial management, market interest rates are not high, it is difficult to meet this requirement, unless the special point is that at the end of the cash-strapped. But even the special point only about the short term, such as the one-month period of high IRA deposits, more than half a year is too difficult. "This person said.

According to him, balance of payments are designed Ridge phase II will only be available at mobile, primarily to counter and micro-finance work. So at the end of May and currently on sale of insurance products in the form of a similar, every once in a while on the line, for example, every month, every two months on the line of new products, forming a loop.

Public offering called "want to play"

On February 14, 2014, replacing Po second-generation is launched to be PayPal balance "lantern financial" insurance, financial products, locked for a period of one year, expected annualized yield of 7%. Public information displays, the "Lantern Festival finance" actually docking of two types of universal life insurance are the Pearl River sinks to win first and Tian Ying b peace of mind.

Alipay according to the data provided, the first batch of the total value of 580 million Yuan (Pearl River sinks to win first, RMB 200 million Yuan, Tian Ying peace of mind b) product in the sale will come to a sold out in 3 minutes. The afternoon, Alipay reassured the additional 300 million Yuan, Tian Ying b finance and insurance products are also on sale were snapped up after 2 minutes, 31 seconds.

Jianjinxin said in its recently released a report, most investors were attracted by yields 7%, 7% only the expected return rate expected rate of return does not mean that customers actually get benefits. This product promises guaranteed guaranteed low is indicated by means of "protect investment principal security, guaranteed lowest 2.5% annualized yield."

Bao said the participation to the balance of the second generation design of some fund companies argue that if you want to change into a more than six-month product insurance easier to do higher yields. Balance Po now cooperate with the insurance product, for insurance, annualized yields also were in the top of the 7%, then it is hard to break.

"Fund companies to invest in is the subject of very limited, now yields to more than 6% have been very difficult, product compared to the more liquid monetary funds on a regular basis, there is no apparent advantage. "The person told reporters that new requests for PayPal, the fund companies are very worried.

Continue to make calls for cooperation, as well as their "good" acting style were let fund companies are called "don't want to play anymore."

Po II over the original balance design of fund companies who have said there is no design appropriate products, and constantly communicate with PayPal, items in the pending stage. More than one company decides to start slowing down, while watching other fund managers design and what kind of products.

Meanwhile, because of the redesign, which is already reported to the SFC of product faced "an unthorough" embarrassment. Products that are not approved, the fund company said it no longer actively promote "let", and has been approved, the fund company only considered "and post it on their own."

However, for PayPal, strong, did not seem worried about the lack of partners. The fund industry sources, in addition to finalize 6 cooperation fund companies, is also actively negotiating for other fund companies and Alipay, want to be able to participate in "treasure balance phase II" project


余额宝二代“卡壳” - 余额宝二代,余额宝 - IT资讯



























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