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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:05:57 Edit(编辑)
Former Director General of tourism in China: I believe the visitors leave after 10 years is no longer explosive

Former Director General of tourism in China: I believe the visitors leave after 10 years is no longer explosive(中国旅游局原局长:相信10年后游客出境不再爆买)



Former Director General of tourism: believe that visitors leave after 10 years is no longer explosive | MGTO | burst | exit _ news
The CPPCC Standing Committee and former Director General of the China National Tourism Administration Shao qiwei. Xinhua News Agency

Though outgoing National Tourism Administration, Shao qiwei, is still the "three sentences does not leave old job". In every discussion of the CPPCC, he will be from the perspective of development of the tourism industry put forward relevant proposals.

Recently, the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, former Director General of the China National Tourism Administration Shao qiwei told the South an interview talking about Chinese outbound "explosion" phenomenon, said this phenomenon will gradually disappear after 10 years, Chinese tourists will go to save money. He also suggested that should promote the tourist development of the equipment manufacturing industry, "many of the goods bought abroad are 'made in China', we can also manufacture. ”

  Believe that after ten years towards rational consumption

South: outbound Chinese tourists, "buy buy buy" is very popular recently.

Shao qiwei: I have several data: last year, the number of outbound tourists reached 120 million people nationwide; the Commerce Department statistics tourists outbound tourism consumption in China reached 1.2 trillion, of which 700 billion to 800 billion yuan for the shopping. Chinese tourists overseas consumption is equal to total retail sales of consumer goods of domestic 4%.

This spring, outbound tourists more than 6 million visitors, overseas to spend more than 90 billion yuan. According to current projections, by 2020 our visitors about 178 million passengers departing overseas spending close to $ 300 billion.

South: did you encounter this situation?

Shao qiwei: take advantage of the chance to go abroad, I made some observations. Chinese tourists are now from milk to toilet seats, from watches to perfume, head to foot, almost not to buy something little.

From looking at the reason, everyone was outside the shop, mainly because our product design, process level there are gaps in meeting quality and personalized consumer demand gap. My Japan visit, introduced to Japan company is working on a new toilet, the toilet lid can be combined with medical tests, urine tests after the target, remind your physical condition.

In addition, shopping outside the quality reliable, the price is relatively cheap, like what's the average price difference than 33%, the highest post 80%; there is good service, many shopping stores have Chinese overseas shopping guide, Chinese identity, can I use China UnionPay card, return a replacement is convenient.

South: that is, products can not meet the market demand?

Shao qiwei: there are a number of other factors. We also looked at other countries and regions, found that tourists from countries and regions with a development process. My personal analysis, ten years after the tourists leave won't "burst", if there is a rational consumption, most tourists will mainly buy their needs of commodities and unique souvenirs.

South: a lot of people are talking about how to spend more at home.

Shao qiwei: domestic products with special emphasis on creativity, design, research and development of these core issues should also pay attention to product quality, creating domestic and international famous brands, the development of traditional brands. Of course study guide part consumption back comprehensive policies, such as further tax credit, expansion of duty-free goods range, additional local duty-free shops, improving tax rebate policy, as well as further cuts in corporate taxes, reduce circulation, reduce terminal costs and so on. And strengthen market monitoring and clamp down fake and shoddy goods, improve the way service is also very important.

  Encourage leadership to implement paid vacations

South: last year you had submitted proposals on the issue of paid maternity leave, now how are implemented?

Shao qiwei: in his Government work report this year once again stressed the need to implement such a system. States already have laws to regulate, there are policy provisions and, of course, need a sustained push. Now in all spheres of society, some part is implemented well, as time went on, I believe it will implement better and better. Also acknowledged that some troubled businesses, large numbers of migrant workers, they have a revenue requirement, to seek truth from facts and deal with the problem. Developed countries have gone through a historical process.

South: some basic rank civil servants reflects, leading cadres, and they can't break.

Shao qiwei: we have also recommended to promote, conditional, non-emergencies, when there are major issues, the leading cadres should take the lead in holiday, likely to take less than 15 days, but you can also take 35 days, or a week, this is an adjustment for the own physical and mental, right after the break, can be more energized to work, would be better.

  We need to create its own national brands

South: you mentioned travel equipment manufacture in panel presentations this year, why are you so concerned?

Shao qiwei: now that supply side reform, development of tourist equipment manufacturing was also part of the supply side reform. Now overseas travel abroad to buy many of the goods are "m adeinChina", stating that we are able to manufacture, the gap in intellectual property, design and brand, we need to create our own national brand.

Some time ago, country six ministries have issued the opinion on promotion of tourism development of the equipment manufacturing industry, I spoke was to further promote it, because it includes very wide.

South: do you think "Thirteen-Five" during China's tourism development will happen?

Shao qiwei, tourism has become "just needed", a lot of family travel plans every year. Young, healthy old people to travel. By 2020, China's urban and rural residents per capita travel 4.5, the market size of over 6 billion people, residents ' total consumption will reach 5.5 trillion yuan. By 2030, China's total tourism spending is expected to exceed 11 trillion.

Interview: the South reporter Cheng Shuwen intern Zhu Xiuyu

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Tourism explosion buy exit

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The Southern Metropolis daily


  日前,全国政协常委、国家旅游局原局长邵琪伟在接受南都专访时谈及国人出境游“爆买”现象,称相信10年后这一现象将逐步消失,我国的旅游者将走向理性消费。他同时也建议,应推动旅游装备制造业的发展,“在国外买的很多商品都是‘made in China’,说明我们也是能制造的。”




















  邵琪伟:现在说供给侧改革,发展旅游装备制造业也是供给侧改革的内容之一。现在出境游在国外买的很多商品都是“m adeinChina”,说明我们也是能制造的,差距就在知识产权、设计和品牌,我们需要创造自己的民族品牌。




  采写:南都记者程姝雯实习生 朱修玉


旅游局 爆买 出境


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