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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/10 8:21:17 Edit(编辑)
China’s population of more than 5 million cities or not plan new construction

China’s population of more than 5 million cities or not plan new construction(我国人口500万以上城市或不再安排新增建设用地)

China's population of more than 5 million cities or not plan new construction city | | |-building sites _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, January 10 (reporter Wang Libin)-for reversing the city draw a circle on the ground and occupy by surrounding fertile land for high yield steel and concrete situation, China will start with more than 5 million people in metropolitan fringe delineation of permanent basic farmland, delimitation and gradually cover all cities, small towns and rural areas of the red line.

Minister of land and resources, the State land Inspector Jiang Daming, the 10th at 2014 national meeting of land and resources, said China's cultivated land around town is long-standing high yield field, in the urban development process, these high yield field being eaten by a reinforced concrete one, could have serious consequences.

According to reports, the Ministry of land and resources, the Ministry of agriculture has reached a consensus and decided to work together to do the "red line". Delineation of permanent basic farmland will start with the controlled development scale of more than 5 million people in large cities began around, from big to small, gradually cover all kinds of cities and small towns from the near to the distant, extends from around the city to the vast rural areas, covers all the basic farmland.

Jiang Daming, said that to face up to the grim situation of cultivated land protection in China. Central repeatedly emphasized the 1.8 billion mu of arable land red line there is no room for bargaining. This is explicitly about the sector and local party and Government leaders at all levels, also provides a political discipline to prevent a dying red line protection.

According to reports, the East Central requirements three major city clusters to enliven the land bank, and will gradually be reduced in the future supply of land for new construction in the eastern part. Among living things, in principle no longer arrange for a population of 5 million or more mega-cities added construction land. China's urban construction sprawl, because there is no control the strength, there is no delineation of the urban development boundary.

Jiang Daming, said rural land system reform to ensure registration of the certification on the basis of upholding the principle of one household, one housing, does not allow city dwellers to the countryside land for building the so-called "counter urbanization".

Jiang Daming, said, reform and improve the system of rural residential land is a hard bone. Difficulty of this reform, farmers ' houses and land are inseparable, if housing is transferable, land could transfer, can the separation of right to contract and operate rural land of way had yet to be seriously explored during the reform process. Currently this work is being carried out and registration of land rights of rural collective construction land certification tightly together.

(Edit: SN098)
January 10, 2014 The website

  新华网北京1月10日电(记者王立彬) 为扭转城市周边高产良田被钢筋水泥加剧圈占的局面,中国将从500万人口以上大城市周边开始划定永久基本农田,并逐步划定覆盖全部城市、小城镇和农村的耕地红线。








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