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published in(发表于) 2016/3/9 10:23:30 Edit(编辑)
VP of iron workers: Hong Kong-Shenzhen high speed rail or the end of the opening, Beijing and Taiwan high speed rail is technically feasible,

VP of iron workers: Hong Kong-Shenzhen high speed rail or the end of the opening, Beijing and Taiwan high speed rail is technically feasible,(中铁副总工:深港高铁或年底通车,京台高铁技术上可行,)



VP of iron workers: Hong Kong-Shenzhen high speed rail or the end of the opening, Beijing and Taiwan high speed rail is technically feasible-high-speed rail, Hong Kong-Shenzhen high speed rail, Beijing and Taiwan high speed rail-IT information

8th, reporter for the China Youth NET at the 12 session of the national people′s Congress meeting before the start of the second plenary meeting, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong rail construction and Beijing-Taiwan high speed rail plan had an interview with NPC, China Railway Group Vice President, Chinese Academy of engineering Academician Wang mengshu. He said, Hong Kong-Shenzhen high speed rail in operation by the end of this year, while Beijing and Taiwan high speed rail plan was technically feasible, the project needs about 200 billion yuan of investment.

A few days ago, at the 12 session of the national people′s Congress meeting released by the national economic and social development of the 13th five-year plan (draft), will be built between Beijing and Hong Kong (Taipei) high-speed channel content has caused public concern.

According to Wang mengshu introduction, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong trains exceeded the estimated cost was about 30 billion yuan, which is scheduled to open in July, will now be postponed to the operation by the end of this year. He also suggested, should also consider canceling after the opening "co-location". When referring to Beijing, Taiwan high speed rail planning, said Wang mengshu, which is expected in the Pingtan Islands, Fujian province and the sea, take the tunnel option, arrived at Taipei Xinyi, on both sides of the link.

"This proposal is technically feasible, and investment may be about 200 billion. "Wang mengshu said.

In addition, Wang mengshu 2016 in an interview also mentioned China′s high-speed rail plan to go. He said so far in Russia, and Thailand, Indonesia and other countries plan to build high-speed rail, some of which is about to open, such as Venezuela′s construction has been completed and is awaiting transfer. Long-term plan also includes Russia, Latrun by China a went to the Bering Strait route, via the Bering Sea tunnels, to the United States, and Canada and other North American countries.

中铁副总工:深港高铁或年底通车,京台高铁技术上可行 - 高铁,深港高铁,京台高铁 - IT资讯






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