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published in(发表于) 2016/3/9 10:21:45 Edit(编辑)
Media: study says change passwords on a regular basis are more likely to be solved,

Media: study says change passwords on a regular basis are more likely to be solved,(台媒:研究称定期换密码更容易被破解,)



Media: study says change passwords on a regular basis are more likely to be crack-password-IT information

Taiwan media said many Web sites called for people to be victims may frequently change passwords to enhance, but experts have pointed out that in the near future, change your password on a regular basis, would not necessarily improve security, but let accounts much more easily.

According to Taiwan when the newsletter reported on March 8, research pointed out that experts specify that some students changing passwords on a regular basis, and soon after they get bored and change the password more simpler, causes passwords to be cracked odds are set higher than other 46%. For these people, most of the initial password, change the position number or letter, or one or two characters. For example, a user will "secret10jan" to "secret10mar". If the hacker knows the users previous passwords, then they have a 41% chance to crack the new password within 3 seconds.

Experts urge, that does not mean I don′t need to change your password on a regular basis, but to use a different password, so as to increase the security of your account.

台媒:研究称定期换密码更容易被破解 - 密码 - IT资讯




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