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published in(发表于) 2016/3/9 10:21:36 Edit(编辑)
Man-machine chess wars heated up, Kai-Fu Lee said lishishixin game is not careful,

Man-machine chess wars heated up, Kai-Fu Lee said lishishixin game is not careful,(人机围棋大战白热化,李开复称李世石新打法不周密,)



Man-machine chess wars heated up, Kai-Fu Lee said lishishixin play not well-Li Shishi, AlphaGo, go-IT information

IT information news on March 9, the artificial intelligence and human-computer world war matters as much as humans finally opened, its the first game has been going on for 100 minutes ( live video address ), the race enters stage with impatience. Innovation works, Kai-Fu Lee for game analysis, said Li Shishi seemed to have tried some new way of playing, but this is not a good idea.

Kai-Fu Lee said, because the machines search is complete without games there have been moves will let it go astray this situation. Li Shishi, a good game is based on the classic standards, experts play in the past, be more sensible than desperation.

Kai-Fu Lee, who said this move WINS or loses is not the most important. Once after the AlphaGo up to the professional level of the second, beat only thing sooner or later.

Mr Lee points out that even beat Li Shishi AlphaGo, it can't tell why. It is a system of basic reasoning, logical system. Deep talk anymore, it can't approach not only explain, no feelings, no emotions. This machine is very early. The next milestone in the field of artificial intelligence, we should look at the right side of the brain of the machine should have upgraded, rather than logic should have upgraded.

It is understood that the AlphaGo use of deep learning, has two brains, he and Fan Hui game is 30 million game, is now more than 100 million. In such a case, it will make a choice, which fell chess winning even more.

人机围棋大战白热化,李开复称李世石新打法不周密 - 李世石,AlphaGo,围棋 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 3月9日消息,对人工智能和人类而言都意义非凡的人机世纪大战终于开打,其第一局比赛已经持续了100分钟(视频直播地址),赛事也进入焦灼阶段。创新工场李开复对棋局分析称,李世石好像有在尝试一些新的打法,但这是不明智的。





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