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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:40:04 Edit(编辑)
Views: networking, smartphones will eventually die out

Views: networking, smartphones will eventually die out(观点:万网联网兴起,智能手机终将消亡,)



Views: networking, smartphones will eventually die-mobile Internet, Internet of things-IT information

Since intelligent phone swept zhihou, increasingly more of life content was plug into has this block 5 inch around of screen in the, phone change has life, also change has whole industry chain of money logic, so, swarm of manufacturer all Chung to has this industry, are dream with change world, way sent a pen windfall, but with industry chain of development, most of Terminal manufacturer only realized that here of money bad earned, Apple a alone big, occupy whole industry chain 92% of profit, Samsung followed subsequently, barely keep profit, While other manufacturers seem to only ever call, maybe they can make money by other channels, but in terms of hardware, they should lose in a mess.

Now, phone hardware design has into bottleneck period, tough as Apple also didn't can in 2015 launched let people front a bright of products, other manufacturer of design change, also more is stunt is greater than practical, like increasingly thin of phone, thin have like A4 paper as; border increasingly narrow, narrow have capacity down a only Ant of feet, or simple to in hardware parameter Shang upgrade, still on ten nuclear, and eight nuclear of; GalaxyS6 of display surface design is said to have get has many best phone design award, But as a consumer, I always wonder, surface design is what benefits does a twisted face will charm you? Face hardware cannot profit of embarrassing, many manufacturer also has a dream in support himself live down, they hopes with future in software Shang of breakthrough, like many phone are pre-installed has large route unknown of software, slightly forced sex to requirements user using, to this get income, also some manufacturer, not by phone itself money, instead in Accessories, and recycling aspects gets profit, anyway, around with existing of phone form also is has large gold can dug.

The mobile shape will eventually disappear?

May, we hard imagine now swept global of intelligent phone will disappeared, this was is Arabian nights, but technology of run law this on so, once emerging things appeared has, old of things on only threw to Museum in , like human first of communications way is war in the of beacon signals, can now who also can't in battlefield Shang set fire to has; history Shang, Motorola of mobile once upon a time had into has identity status of symbol, United Kingdom Prime Minister Churchill in second times world war in the, Mobile in his hand directing military operations, becoming one of the most classic picture on the history of human communication, feature phones appeared to make the cell phone completely die out the way perish the BP machines have the same renowned, but now they consistently lost to Apple, in short, from the perspective of communication rules the law of historical development future, any form of communication most 終 'll disappear!

Phone form, will disappeared, this is a sentence nonsense, actually, universe in the no what is eternal of, but is in this when on "phone disappeared of thing", while is for phone hardware of innovation early into bottleneck period, everyone are crescendo Dim, and Ninja nausea said himself of phone on fast beyond iPhone has; on the increasingly more of Terminal form began invasion mobile Internet, is to those bitter forced of manufacturer are mention a woke up: hard Rob to of market, may is Apple, and Samsung began to abandon the field, God knows, their laboratory there is nothing new in stuff?

In fact, feature phone can rapidly replace fixed-line, is that it makes human communication out of the shackles of telephone lines, and the popularity of smartphones, it is because of human communication from the shackles of cable, in General, they are free of human nature fresh terminal platforms, and only in this way will become the mainstream of the times. Now, popular of intelligent phone also does not perfect, although we has can mobile to call, and mobile to Internet, but still to worried phone of power, specific regional of signal problem, also has processing speed and so on, that is, next mainstream of Terminal form, must is can improved even eradication these problem of, while and cannot too your, like intelligent car as mobile terminal, certainly without worried power problem, has has energy zhihou, signal received, and application upgrade and so on are not problem, this is why Apple, and Google have launched a vehicle-mounted system, and paying high prices for traditional automotive manufacturers, it seems, only 5-inch Smartphone is simply cannot afford these big ambitions, and once there is a new, better use of the Terminal, Smartphone form has disappeared which is understandable!

All things networking, how much farther is it?

Intelligent phone is so swept, has is big part reasons is it of integrated, as begins by said, increasingly more of life content was hard plug into has this 5 inch around of screen among, but while also means with, phone are became crowded, reaction became not so sensitive, and integrated has always been is to sacrifice "professional" for cost of, so, phone is has battery problem, and signal problem and processor problem, so, Dang phone capacity reached not breakthrough of limit Shi, Will and will go a article by integrated to professional of road , like professional of calls, and professional of photography, and professional of game and social and so on, certainly has, this dispersion not return, more not put those has eliminated of things again wipe a wipe continues to with, but a new of mode, with compared fashion of Word is called "everything networking", also that Dang all are can networking Shi, phone form natural on disappeared has !

To achieve interconnection of all things in the world seem to still have a long way to go, but the context is clear, even science-fiction film of Director in this direction is clear. First, everything networking zhiqian need found new of interactive way, including people and equipment Zhijian, and equipment and equipment Zhijian, also was to equipment to people Zhijian, especially people and equipment Zhijian more is has broad of exploration space, initially of when, we relies on keyboard and Dos Exchange, black of page, complex of instruction only professionals to operation; later appeared has mouse and Windows, computer moments became general consumers also can play have turned of commodity, human with machine of Exchange reached peak, Really changed the world.

Mobile Internet times, human and machine of exchange more simple, in iOS and Android platform Shang as long as will "touch" of people on can Internet, in can foreseen of future, in everything Internet of times, we will to found more natural, and more simple of interactive way, including language, and gestures, and even eyes and ideas are has may was equipment perception, also only has such of interactive speed, everything networking is has real of meaning! Communication between devices and devices will become more frequent and rapid, automatic chip such as aircraft engines, signals can be transmitted directly to the management platform, report their condition, and an intelligent management platform is able to adjust the command. Second, everything networking times need more reliable, and more efficient, and more security of communications way, now two Taiwan phone exchange, also need traditional of base station do forward, this in is big degree Shang waste has communications efficiency and bandwidth, future of interactive way must is end on end Exchange, like two a phone directly dialogue, or phone and computer, and TV, and bathtub, and curtains directly dialogue, any can installation chip of objects are will became information processing platform, in auxiliary to big data, and cloud computing, and induction device, means, let everything are became intelligent of, Become an extension of natural persons effective.

Phone form disappeared has, commercial mode also will followed has turned upside down of changes, that times in, data will will became commercial of blood and cell, so, has powerful data processing capacity of enterprise will earned many money, even will appeared new of economic President, also of, industry pattern also will restructuring, Apple of hardware profit will will diluted, no people willing to for a disappeared of things pay; Samsung has may pulled one back a city, they of full industry chain will will in everything Internet times play huge role, as China phone manufacturer, May always sell a bunch without your cell phone into the phone.

观点:万网联网兴起,智能手机终将消亡 - 移动互联网,物联网 - IT资讯












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