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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:39:42 Edit(编辑)
Top ten most annoying sister phrases came out: “drink water“, corporatist

Top ten most annoying sister phrases came out: “drink water“, corporatist(妹子最讨厌十大用语出炉:“多喝热水”居首,)



Top ten most annoying sister phrases came out: "drink water" tops-women's psychology, Goddess-IT information

Whether it is women's day, the goddess is women's day, March 8, on this day, how to get around, "she was" happy above all. Need to sweet talk, but more importantly don't hit "minefield". Recently, a survey estimates that women hate men called the top ten terms "drink water" ranked first, seems to be a concern, why women don't like it?

"Said the word drink plenty of hot water, she was angry"

The survey, "drink more hot water, how do you, hehe, later, is all my fault, casual, and you still have you busy, go to bed early, eat not," became the most piss girls top ten terms.

This result in Jinan University student Xu felt very sympathetic "one time my girlfriend is a little cold, I say a ' drink water ', did not think she was angry, then asked her why she did not say, I still don't understand. ”

People often say Mr Hu lives in Jinan, "drink more hot water" these, had not seen the survey results when he does not think there is nothing wrong with this sentence. "Say it's time, it is because there is no girlfriend around to take care of her, except to say that beyond the words, do not know what to say. ”

In more than 30 years old, Mr Tang's view, which in itself is no problem, depends on tone. "' Sorry honey, it's all my fault ' and ' OK, OK, it's all my fault ' is obviously not the same today. ”

"Compared to not understand, put more annoying"

7th, the reporters interviewed 19 women aged from 20 to 40 years old, for this list of "top ten", most people expressed general support.

"In fact, the words themselves are not what's wrong with, if I'm angry as he said these words, it should be because he does not know me. "Female college student Wang says," such as when they get sick or period in the stomach, I need more comfort or care, if you keep telling me to drink more water at this time, I feel a little sick. "Compared with the don't know, brush

More women get angry. "I think women would be a bit sensitive, and while talking to her boyfriend, was able to feel that he's the kind of elaborate, in this case, even if he is concerned about me, I would still feel unhappy. ”

Gu women 40 years old and her feeling for these languages are not so strong. "I think may fall in love during the young man would be more easy to get angry, when both sides testing each other's mind, could easily be one sentence or so. "Gu said:" now rarely feel very happy or very angry because a sentence, if you want to make me happy, rather than take practical action. ”

Want to coax the goddess happy, have to learn to interact

Why do women hate "drink water" this kind of remark? Song Jiayu of psychological experts on marriage and family, "said psychological analysis, such statements with a perfunctory and payable means, and what women hate most is to deal with, they really need is an emotional exchange. ”

"Men and women have different physiological structure their different mental structures. Women's physiological structure decided women needed security, need to be protected, and the physiological structure of the males decide whether men should have interest in the protection of women. "Said Song Jiayu.

"Some men in the pursuit of women, rapid development of relationships with women, and learned some civility, this is not the way. "Said Song Jiayu, to tuck around the" her "happy, compassionate women's feelings and needs from the heart.

In addition, the expression also have to learn to take the expression and heuristic: "male to lead the women to talk about their needs and then go to meet women, women like to feel sincere. "At the same time, to talk to more exchanges between two people, so as to help mutual understanding between the sexes. When you really understand her, wants to make her happy, also becomes easier.

Expert analysis

Men value "solve the problem"

Women with "emotion"

Emotional experts, in General, men and women in a slightly different way of thinking. Women's interactions in expressing emotions, while men Exchange heavy passing information. Women's way of thinking is more focus on the present, exchange rates when emotions more, mostly for "emotion oriented". In contrast, male thinking more "purpose-driven", more attention is given to solve the problem. Girls fell ill, the boys wanted to express concern, also want early rehabilitation, an opening is "drink plenty of hot water" because the male brain "solutions" oriented too deeply ingrained. This often makes the men in the face of women's "test" or a joke, what to do.

妹子最讨厌十大用语出炉:“多喝热水”居首 - 女性心理,女神 - IT资讯





















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