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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/6 7:31:25 Edit(编辑)
Liu tea wedding: these big brothers and the other half came from the entertainment,

Liu tea wedding: these big brothers and the other half came from the entertainment,

Liu tea wedding: these big brothers and the other half came from the entertainment-Liu tea pics, Liu, tea sisters-IT information

Jingdong Mall this year CEO Liu and Zhang Zetian tea sister reportedly married yesterday, two people were found at the University of Sydney for their wedding photos , it seems a good thing. In addition to Liu, but another Science Guy Jia Yue Ting also revealed and found in relation to female stars. Count technology high, there are many rich people after the Gao Fushuai, white Phu, married the entertainment and embarked on a life Pinnacle.

"Le Jia Yue Ting, Chairman of the" capital's four "Wei Gan"

Last week's "capital for the four" Wei Gan's birthday, she poses with Jia Yue Ting, Chairman of the exposure for the first time, before people find low Jia Yue Bai Fu Mei Ting had married the entertainment. Over the years, Wei Gan, Jia Yue Ting very low-key, two things are Wei Gan gave birth to twins by Ying CAI er inadvertently disclosed. Worth noting is that Wei Gan now works was produced by music.

"Liu tea sisters forget love"

The couple's relationship is very confusing. Be married, Liu and Zhang Zetian never positive responses by the parties. Addition was made to the close travel outside Tokyo, also were photographed together appeared to choose the ring. Not long ago, the two men appeared together in Zhongguancun Street "JD+ smart tea Museum", wear a couple ring quite eye-catching. Now more netizens exposed two wedding pictures, this both admit it!

"Lenovo executives June model Jiang Peilin on love"

In 2009, the current Vice President of Lenovo Liu and famous model Jiang Peilin were married. At the wedding, LIU Chuanzhi, huayi boss Wang Zhongjun, and Taiwan businessman Terry GOU, big brother has sent a gift. It is reported that the former Chief model Jiang Peilin were already out of the transformation in the entertainment business, it can be considered "lead uncomplainingly."

"Jiang nanchun married anchorwoman Chen Yujia Phoenix"

In 2009, focus Media Manager spring Phoenix TV anchorwoman were married in Taichung Chen Yujia, Phoenix has done a feature story. Once known as the "diamond Wang Lao Wu" Jiangnan spring and talked to admitted 14 women. Now the couple's son is 6 years old.

"Jinya Zhou Xuhui, Chairman of science and technology and the sword sparks Lei Tong"

Li yunlong from the sword's wife, played by Lei Tong is a real beauty, she married Jinya Zhou Xuhui, Chairman of science and technology. It is worth mentioning that, Zhou Xuhui is Wenzhou, visit gem's first millionaires.

"SOFTBANK peace married Saif partner Lin" snail House "Li Nian"

Lin Heping in 2001 and joined SOFTBANK Asia investment funds, which oversees $ 2.2 billion funding, while SOFTBANK saifu have invested a lot of technology companies. It is reported that he met at a friend's party who appeared in the snail and become famous actress Li Nian. In July 2011, Li Nian publicly acknowledged and Lin Heping marriages registered in Hong Kong last Thanksgiving, she exposes the witness is Saif's Yan yan.

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