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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:38:52 Edit(编辑)
Personality, died on the app in the circle of friends,

Personality, died on the app in the circle of friends,(个性,死在了微信朋友圈里,)



Personality, died in micro-circle of friends-friends crowding the screen, app, circle of friends-IT information

Circle of friends yesterday the hottest must have app data. Because the port is said to have too much access, the page was difficult to open, until about 7 o'clock in the evening, we all know how to play, can open the page, and joined the army of crowding the screen, and the entire circle of friends are all that seem meaningful to yourself, pointless pictures to others.

Then someone said this is a rip off, another forward.

Official says scam is a lie, then a wave forward.

Big data and the cheating rumors last night and this morning is likely to remain in denial, are a reflection of today's social networks model: anti-anti-anti-pop-pop-pop. Similar examples can also be used on fast play an earlier wave of crazy forward, public opinion has gone through "technical innocence", "insufficient technical innocence rebuttal", "allow rebuttal is the voice of freedom" waves of transition. Similarly, Chai Jing, under the dome, the stock market paused after the secondary fuse fuse endless examples of exactly the same pattern:

Hot outbreaks

Forward party began to go crazy, and planning parties began planning the first wave against hot spots (we do this work)

Forward when you begin a crazy turn and hot start, planning party planning anti-hot (we do this work)

Social networking fatigue dissipated topic

Scientific circle of scientific thought and the spread of social networks hot topics followed the same rule. 2nd century AD, Egypt astronomers Eudoxus and Aristotle-tuolemiji develop theory of geocentrism, slowly became a flash point. The hot heat for more than 1300 years, until Copernicus in 1543 and published the heliocentric theory. Heliocentric theory become a mainstream and popular for several decades, until Kepler in 1609, Kepler's first law, be astronomical next-generation red.

Although the propagation of the same social networking with scientific circles there is a difference of speed--is remarkable. Today a change of thinking in the past hundreds of years to complete only one day, even for a few hours. Such efficiency made the greatest sacrifice-the personality of the human being was killed.

Why rapid spread would kill the mobile Internet for news "speed of light" communication possible, but after the issue of a breaking news, the first social network gets the most attention. Concern that social network users the greatest gift. Here, everyone can be a star overnight, although much less likely. Forwards-praise-review-looking for the next material, became today's people's daily. People want to repeatedly enter "reward circuits" licking sugar concern, and thus have become a fight for the spread of fighters.

People unconsciously in the spread of HIV, and spread into the underlying motives.

So, those fiery explosions articles, how to achieve explosive spread?

First of all, how articles forwarded to propagation have a magnified effect, followed the networking layer in the network layer diffusion eventually reach 100,000 +, m + reading. People will select forward, is that this information is worth to other road, and came to his own image, bragging with the wine on the table and friends alike. Burst's core value is to become the online conversation, the so-called health parental heart soup stock corrupt scandal. Talk about value, in the Internet age is more important than any time before, is more important than any network in social networking. Instead, the authenticity of the content, are not important at all.

A message if you have high talk about values, forward, like more, rather less. Good at it a living, became the mainstream social network creators of content, others become spectators and small fruit knife from time to time, in your own home catalog what small piece to play.

No matter how hot the news also has a timeliness, once most people have turned to you, and behind the times. So you put on a bunch of news app, can get breaking news at the first push, conveniently in your circle of friends forward. Forward early, your influence even as much as a KOL (key opinion leaders), the news branding is not just you. Hot flashes, we have the energy forward, but may not have time to read an article, let alone think about opinions.

Dazzling personality spread the rhythm accelerates network convergence, you own spread is served free of charge to KOL, numb over the topic in the ocean, a loss for the next big thing.

Seems everyone participation in social networks, stands a few minutes brush micro-circle of friends, but actually dominate friends sound very few KOL, master of the spread is well versed in the rules. So here's the thing, minority determine majority talk, then where were the voice of the majority?

You see long winded feel boring;

You disdain to friends expressing their personal opinions on, lest the tired mind and avoid annoying;

Your figure is mostly food, beauty, pet or baby;

KOL topics do you think more opinions to himself, will also seek to forward to others;

KOL people are introverted and lazy thinking, write out your voices, waiting for forwarding.

Milan Kundera once said of the identity, both people in the relationship is going to work, because they need to talk with the world. That two people can share their different home from work about, and if one does not work, the TA will become a pure listener, they will lose half the conversation, also lost his peers say.

Today, Kundra described the kind of conversation no longer exist, because the popularity of social networking information flooded about like a mud-rock flow, not fighting. Needless to say, the way of talking to on the Internet. Unless the associated with the popular, your personality is merely a mud-rock flow in front of a small tree, and soon drowned in an irresistible "popular force".

Crazy for spreading, became the only personalities on social networks.

个性,死在了微信朋友圈里 - 朋友圈刷屏,微信,朋友圈 - IT资讯



























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