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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:37:16 Edit(编辑)
Kai-Fu Lee: how to make your new year’s resolution? ,

Kai-Fu Lee: how to make your new year’s resolution? ,(李开复:如何制定你的新年计划?,)



Kai-Fu Lee: how to make your new year′s resolution? -Kai-Fu Lee, Facebook, Zuckerberg-IT information

Introduction: expanded weak ties, learn to read English, important but not urgent things, there is time to complete the task, keep reading ... ... That′s Kai-Fu Lee to share with your new year′s resolutions, work hard to live you, you ready to leave?

This two years, I has been very Thanksgiving, also special lucky of is 2015 I of body can good up, can organic will returned to I most love of work in the, so from early in doctor of license Xia, gradually recovery work began, while told himself must to put work do, while also always reminded himself to keep good of mentality, care good himself of body, and family of health.

Looking back at this year, all aspects of good balance. New year, on the one hand, I want to make my family and friends know I love them, attention and accompany them. The other hand, to continue in the job I love trying to help more entrepreneurs.

New year there is always a new vision and goals, the "annual plan" (New Year Resolution).

Recently, Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) after the gold, because two things are everybody′s concern, one is "naked donation", and then there is his daughter read. Tan in the Facebook photo, less than 2 weeks he and his wife for the birth of daughter Max read, that children′s book is the baby of quantum physics.

Actually to baby of quantum physics just Zuckerberg in 2015 reading book single in the of a this, 2015 he of annual plans, is each two week reading a this important of book, in early of January, he to practice line vows, specifically in face book SHANG established has a public page--"annual of book" (a, Year of Books), as currently, he has this recommended has 22 this good book.

Prior to this, he came twice to Tsinghua University, throughout make a speech and question-and-answer, made a deep impression. Not just local media, many United States mainstream media are "amazing" to describe his Chinese ability. I remember about 5 years ago, Mark invited me to lecture at Facebook headquarters in Silicon Valley, the impression he simply introduces a few words in Chinese; after many years, he has made rapid progress in Chinese.

In recent years, Mark has a personal annual plan every year. In addition to 2015-year reading plan in 2014, he wrote, a "thank you cards", keep themselves keep a grateful heart. In 2013, he had met a new friend every day, expanding spheres of life. In 2012, the long-term commitment of management, he made plans to return to write programs so that they do not forget the original intention. And in 2010, Mark the annual plan is to learn the Chinese language.

Therefore, if you to plan for annual plans, may have unexpected impact on life. I have been a lot of new year′s resolutions, here you can share some tips:

1. Select a feasible goal would be nice

People′s habits is that when asking for too much, one can not do, may be abandoned entirely. Might as well buy one of the feasible but difficult to do, especially the first time. People always need to rely on some small positive feeling of accomplishment, and slowly build up your confidence.

2. the principles of goal setting SMART

Specific, clear when they set goals.

Measurable criteria. For example, do not aim to "do good", that′s not enough, cannot be measured, can be changed to volunteer to nursing homes once a month.

Attainable can be achieved. For example, you cannot set will earn 100 million Yuan next year, goals must be completed.

Result-based attention to the results-oriented, rather than just process. For example, 1 month weight 1 kg, and not just do not eat every morning; or TOEFL scores by 50 points, and not just take the time to back words.

Time-based this time, complete the plan within a certain period of time.

3. the selection of important, but not urgent things

We often choose to do something urgent, such as test tomorrow, will take time to prepare, do not rely on annual plans to push myself. But there are too many important but not urgent, and annual plans must pick a influence on life, or important things, such as health, future, accumulated knowledge, interpersonal growth related plans.

Learning English is a good example, from the perspective of life, learning English is very important, but not urgent. After leaving school, if not foreign investors, or those who used to work in English, you may relax, very regrettable.

The case of Mark, for Americans to learn Chinese, is a major challenge. If Mark read Chinese for four years, can stage a speech, then studied English for more than 10 years of Chinese, isn′t it more should learn English?

I encourage young people, you can read news in English, on the one hand to broaden their horizons, while enhancing the English ability. Don′t waste time on repetitive information, there are also many great English websites and books. I would also recommend, spend half the time online reading related information in English, or plan to read a lot of books in English. If you want to learn English and increase knowledge, you can look at the English site: Business Insider, Quora, Buzzfeed, KhanAcademy, Linkedin, Techcrunch, Pando Daily, WSJ. D, you can also search on the Internet Ted English speech, well-known in the history of English speech, famous graduation speech, and so on.

Also, I share an extended relationship of annual plans. Many years ago, I am from China transferred back to the United States at Microsoft headquarters, in order to expand their social circle, I plan to meet new friends, although not as Mark one day know a, but I provided a week and a new friend for dinner, or tea. Where to find so many people eat? I′ll teach you my secret: have dinner with new friends, talking to pay attention to what his friend is the kind you hope to know, eat dinner before you ask him to introduce you to a friend, to increase your social circle.

Why expanding the social circle? In fact, there are many opportunities in life, not by best friend′s "strong" relationship, but maintain your hundreds of "weak" relationship; if we can have more contacts, can also bring more opportunities. How to meet new friends? Asks a friend to introduce new technologies, product management, the leader in the field of investment, so that both can meet new friends, and expand new knowledge, explore new horizons.

4. In conclusion

People always have the lazy, prefer to nest in their comfort zone, if you want to grow, must change. When you draw up annual plans, and implementation for a while, you will find that any new goals can become a part of life, no need to deliberately executed. Want to change, start with yourself.

李开复:如何制定你的新年计划? - 李开复,Facebook,扎克伯格 - IT资讯




新的一年总有新的愿景与目标,也就是「年度计划」(New Year Resolution)。

近期,脸书的创办人扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在喜得千金之后,因为两件事情受到大家的关注,一个是“裸捐”,还有就是他为女儿读书。在Facebook上晒出的照片中,他和妻子共同为出生不到2周的女儿Max读书,那本童书居然是《给宝宝的量子物理学》。

其实《给宝宝的量子物理学》只是扎克伯格在2015年阅读书单中的一本,2015年他的年度计划,就是每两周阅读一本重要的书,在年初的1月份,他为了践行誓言,专门在脸书上设立了一个公共页面——“年度之书”(A Year of Books),截止目前,他已经在此推荐了22本好书。








Measurable可衡量的。 例如,不要将目标订为「多做善事」,这不够具体,也无法衡量,可改为每个月到老人院做义工一次。

Attainable可实现的。 例如,不能订明年就要赚进1亿元,必须是可以完成的目标。

Result-based重视结果导向,而不只是过程。 例如,1个月减重1公斤,而不只是每天早上不吃饭;或托福成绩提升50分,而不只是每天花时间背单字。






我鼓励年轻人,可以先从阅读英文新闻开始,一方面开拓视野,同时增强英语能力。不要把时间浪费在重复性的新闻,世界上还有很多很棒的英文网站和书籍。我也建议,花一半上网的时间读英文相关的资讯,或者有计划的大量阅读英文书籍。如果你想同时学英语和增加知识,可以看看这几个英文网站:Business Insider, Quora, Buzzfeed, KhanAcademy, Linkedin, Techcrunch, Pando Daily, WSJ.D,也可以在网上搜索Ted英文演讲,历史上知名的英文演讲,着名毕业演讲等。





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