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published in(发表于) 2016/3/7 13:51:11 Edit(编辑)
Losing their hearts! Free hand over pay trap you against or not? ,

Losing their hearts! Free hand over pay trap you against or not? ,(丧心病狂!免费手游遍地付费陷阱,你中过招没?,)



Losing their hearts! Free hand over pay trap you against or not? Hands-free tour, cell phone game-IT information

The Internet, popular free, mobile games are no exception: free to download, free to play ... ... But cheerful game sometimes gets clogged, entry-free does not mean a penny drop: props how expensive, always out of paid links, a key charge is the norm. For consumers to reflect these issues, reporters investigating recent, revealing free hand to make money to pay the trap over and over.

Pay traps without warning

These days, nearly everyone is installed in the cell phone mobile phone games, which also saw the mobile phone games market matures. However, most users are only as a pastime rather than go to the specially hand consumption. However, tour firms still find way to unlock the user money.

Home has 10 age son of King ladies on reporter said, new year during home is busy, sometimes didn't empty accompany children on put phone lent he play, due to he usually most like Altman, so on in himself phone game store within of rankings in the download has a paragraph named Ott Superman big adventure spring version of game to son play, makes King ladies no expected of is, "phone received has a heap strange of garbled SMS, this months phone calls not know why special fast on didn't has, Call mobile customer service and do not receive their game takes note ".

Press download this tour started investigations revealed, the game is a Parkour game, some levels set, pop-up pass right from the first pass a level rewards reporters conveniently click to receive reward points the last time suddenly pops up from a mobile charge reminder, but still had a chance to respond has been successfully confirm payment, deduct a total of 20. Subsequently, the reporter received a few garbled messages, dialing after you move the customer service, customer service says there is no game of consumer records. Try to get in touch with the game's customer service has not received a reply.

In addition to paying hand trap, in the course of the game, and even a "MOM, Otmar Superman, I would like to help me with this little monster" so manifestly inducing propensity to voice prompts. Was also reflected in the game download message, "this game is to pit calls, a lot of charge trap, are deducted 20."

Subsequently, the reporters tested randomly downloaded more than 30 kinds of mobile games, at the time of installation, you hand will generally have the right to a prompt asks whether this game read via mobile phones as well as edit and read SMS, most users will pass. Therefore, in the course of the game, trap users into paying by phone quickly after completion of the purchase.

Casual games almost always at checkpoints and death occurred after paying popups, which also includes some hand will pop up in the game paying tips. Pay while the game is full of traps. Tip paid content is hard to find soon charged reality, but prominently displayed a forthcoming "welfare", especially in the payment confirmation process, confirm payment options are generally more attractive to look back or give up options are bleak, and unconsciously, it very easy for the average user to complete payment.

Casual games digging deep

"These game clearly are is free of, but inside of paid trap is is too more has, and, on even adults are is easy in the enrollment, more alone a 10 age of child has", King ladies stressed, game within everywhere are is paid play window, as long as continues to play each minutes are has was buckle fee of may, this although no spent too more money, does not wants to find back, but heart also think is wronged.

In a domestic mobile game Center, reporters learned, download a list of top 20 game 1/4 game in IP belong to children, casual games accounted for more than half.

Investigations found that children in the IP of the tour, in the language of dialogue and character communication often induced by consumption tendency. For a child who does not form a complete judgment, paid became the norm, the IP has a strong attraction for children hand became a full paid cash cow of the trap.

Worth noting is that a certain judgment of adults still can't pay to escape the trap of threats is particularly common in those free casual games. In the course of the game, especially when you start the game, called "double bonus", "new package", "extreme gift bag", "benefits", "points out of the draw XX benefits" sharp hints lurk hidden below the purchase price. If discovered in time to give tips for buying mobile payment Center also displays "application you will not be able to get more experience," people scratching their heads.

In addition, some game play is easy to continue to the idea of resurrection life billing notifications are also more attractive, a reporter in a Metro Park's Resurrection he accidentally purchased a mobile game props. Afterwards, mobile service and accurately inform journalists spending money and the, and said, this consumption caused errors if users are not careful they may apply for a refund.

"On the subway often plays run elimination games and cool, sometimes tired to see it delayed payment, due to payment amounts are not high and did not care", Beijing office worker Xiao Zhao told reporters, although some of my friends also play a bad hand, but almost all colleagues are casual gamers.

A tour operators told reporters that leisure tour wide audience, is easy to operate, user stickiness is small but easy to set consumer items. At present, it is difficult to find without paying casual games, even some of the stars tour also induce the user to buy.

Seeking profit is difficult to discipline

Analysys 2015 think tank Chinese Internet industry trends inventory ? 2016 forecast report data displayed in 2015, China mobile game market reached 54.18 billion yuan, an increase of 84.6%, China mobile gamers size increased steadily. However, in the mobile games industry, and there is little innovation.

Although the forms and of the game play is limited, but the market is still considerable, business model is better than the other mobile Internet products. Among them, the cell phone fees credited in the game. Severe hand of some popular consumer player choices, but most of all be induced by nature.

One game for many years to observe Mr Han says, almost all games have paid traps, such as level design to a particularly difficult, cannot properly through customs, you must purchase the items only, then the message will pop up to guide consumption, lead players to consumption, the most serious and make yourself at a pay window may pop up at any part of the game.

"Game makers pay to lure the user's behavior is caused by the nature of the games free, to profit, they must make that attempt," Mr Han says game pay trap is to swim from end time has begun to form, there is no general control.

Worth noting is that with the hand and play to stabilize, to IP market segment and as the core of marketing, has become a mobile games publisher of mainstream practice. Therefore, game development costs are raised higher and higher, in order to quickly complete the cost, game makers are big pits dug up consumption as much as possible to the user.

Game makers if he wants to get more interest, except that outright, other than such as paid downloads in the app store, basically trying to guide consumption as a means. Han stressed that "users in the course of entertainment can be cautious, chose not to accept the temptation, but it cannot stop the makers of cover, because manufacturers don't want to starve to death." In his view, is currently hand travel market "money" in the market, rely on self discipline is hard to make the entire market fair.

丧心病狂!免费手游遍地付费陷阱,你中过招没? - 免费手游,手机游戏 - IT资讯
























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