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published in(发表于) 2016/3/7 13:50:34 Edit(编辑)
Jobs has moved him, and the Apple Mac fonts inspiration died,

Jobs has moved him, and the Apple Mac fonts inspiration died,(乔布斯都拜服他,这位苹果Mac字体的启迪者去世了,)



Jobs has moved him, died the inspiration of the Apple Mac Fonts-Mac, the text, information on jobs-IT

On March 5, Reed College writing Professor Robert Palladino passed away on Friday, at the age of 83. Robert Palladino, Professor jobs, young had a great influence on early Apple Mac computers is greatly influenced by the Professor of the font effect.

Robert Palladino to stimulate change in Apple Mac fonts, and access to modern personal computers, thereby extending. In the Mac before the birth, computers and their operating systems using fonts and typography with a strong IBM style.

According to the New York Times reported that between 1969-1984 Robert Palladino joined the teacher of calligraphy in Reed College in Portland, Oregon, and it is during this period that he met him. Jobs dropped out of Reed College in 1972 and then select Audit Robert Palladino's class.

2005 commencement speech at Stanford, Steve Jobs talked about the influence of Robert Palladino taught on their own.

"Reed College at that time provided may be the best calligraphy instruction in the country. The campus every poster, every label on the drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. I've dropped out, without the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class. In this course, I learned to "serif" and "sans-serif" are two fonts, learned how to change in different combinations of letter space between words, learned how to write a good word. This is a way that science can't capture the delicate, lovely, full of history and art, I feel like I was completely hooked.

I don't expect calligraphy later in life to have any practical value. However, ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all of a sudden on my eyes. So, we designed it all into the machine. This was the first computer with beautiful typography. Had I not had occasionally take such a course at University, Macintosh computers will never have so many typefaces organized font size or spacing. If Windows copy the Macintosh and PC may not have the font and font size.

Of course, I can hardly be seen from this point on in the University and the future of the relationship. Ten years later and look again, relationship between the two is very, very clear. You too, can hardly be seen from now on this point will only look, will discover the relationships between them. So you have to believe that those dots will be in your future life, to line up in a certain way. You have to believe in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever--because they believe these connections will lead you all the way through from the self confidence, it set you apart from the ordinary, become different. ”

2012 Palladino in the interview with the National Catholic Register, also mentioned their jobs, he said: "he (jobs) took my course, but gradually became interested in fonts ... ... After about a year he will come, said he was interested in my Greek letters. ”

Although Palladino is one of personal computing, changes in, but he never really own or use a computer.

乔布斯都拜服他,这位苹果Mac字体的启迪者去世了 - Mac,文字,乔布斯 - IT资讯

3月5日消息,里德大学书法教授Robert Palladino本周五去世,享年83岁。Robert Palladino教授对年轻时候的乔布斯产生了很大的影响,苹果公司早期Mac电脑上的字体也深受这名教授影响。

Robert Palladino刺激苹果Mac中变革性字体的产生,也让现代个人电脑由此获得延伸。在Mac诞生之前,电脑及其操作系统使用的字体和排版带有浓厚的IBM风格。

据《纽约时报》报道,Robert Palladino在1969年-1984年间于俄勒冈波特兰的里德大学担任书法教师,而就是在这期间他认识了乔布斯。1972年乔布斯从里德大学退学之后就选择旁听Robert Palladino的课。

2005年在斯坦福大学毕业典礼的演讲上,乔布斯就谈到了Robert Palladino的授课对自己的影响。




2012年Palladino在接受National Catholic Register采访时,也提到过自己与乔布斯的事情,他说:“他(乔布斯)选修了我的课程,后来渐渐的对字体产生了兴趣……大概一年之后他会来了,说自己对我的希腊字母很感兴趣。”


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