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published in(发表于) 2016/3/7 13:50:20 Edit(编辑)
Hands on Iran were United States heavy penalties? ZTE’s calm response

Hands on Iran were United States heavy penalties? ZTE’s calm response(染指伊朗遭美国重罚?中兴淡定回应,)



Hands on Iran were United States heavy penalties? ZTE's calm response to ZTE, Iran-IT information

On March 6, foreign media reports, United States Department of Commerce export restrictions on ZTE , ZTE is alleged to the United States for Iran's export restrictions. In this regard, ZTE said the company business, comprehensive assessment of the possible impact of this event on the company, active communication with various parties and deal with .

In accordance with United States Department of Commerce export restrictions, United States suppliers to ZTE's equipment or parts, need to apply for an export licence, which means that ZTE and hard from the United States the procurement of goods.

The restrictions come from ZTE sells millions of dollars of hardware products to Iran telecom operator, a move that violated the United States Iran's export ban.

According to ZTE announced to regional income report, 2015, ZTE's revenue of 45.9 billion yuan in the first half, Europe, America and Oceania accounted for 24.2% sales about 11.133 billion yuan. Specific to the United States market revenue share earnings reports didn't disclose the specifics. United States Commerce Department restrictions on ZTE, ZTE will cause much impact, there is no specific estimate.

However, the United States market globalization ZTE handset layout is a very important market. Latest data show resurgence in the United States accounted for 12.5% market share of Android market, came in third.

染指伊朗遭美国重罚?中兴淡定回应 - 中兴,伊朗 - IT资讯






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