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Boys bed, playing in the dark mobile phones, lost his retina,
Café 2 dead and 2 injured in Hunan: blood, still playing a game
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Best phantom thief: a look at the license plate number, owners of credit funds were missing
Collar joint open letter to the CEO: to truly change the way we cover,
Learning programming through seven stages,
北京:近15%学生每天打游戏超4小时 - 网瘾,健康
Thieves also play high-tech: a laptop will be able to steal your car,
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qq published in(发表于) 2015/7/21 23:56:23 Edit(编辑)
外媒:诺基亚7月28日发布会或将首秀虚拟现实产品 - 诺基亚,虚拟现实

外媒:诺基亚7月28日发布会或将首秀虚拟现实产品 - 诺基亚,虚拟现实

外媒:诺基亚7月28日发布会或将首秀虚拟现实产品 - 诺基亚,虚拟现实 - IT资讯




关于下周的活动,诺基亚鲜有提到其虚拟现实计划。在一次股东大会上,作为公司发展方向之一,诺基亚的CEO Rajeev Suri讨论了“沉浸式影像”。

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