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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:17:18 Edit(编辑)
Best phantom thief: a look at the license plate number, owners of credit funds were missing

Best phantom thief: a look at the license plate number, owners of credit funds were missing(最牛怪盗:只看一眼车牌号,车主信用卡资金不翼而飞,)



Best phantom thief: a look at the license plate number, owners of credit funds were missing-crime, credit cards, credit reporting-IT information

IT information this year, if the thieves do not high-tech, said he is not a thief, I'm afraid going out will be sneered at. Burglar caught the final out, after all, the a lot of motive also made netizens laugh, but high-tech thieves like this, just look at the Regal plate, adjustable travel report can be stolen credit card funds, which it is still hard to guard against high-tech crime.

Cases of credit card cash in a license plate number is happening.

According to a report in the people's Court, one day in April 2014, wandering in the bailuzhou road, Xiamen, Zhang Jincheng saw a luxury Bentley car brands the mantissa is 666. "On owners of luxury cars, will have higher credit card"--the thought on Zhang Jincheng mind suddenly flashed, he subconsciously remembered the license plate number.

Next, he conducted a series of serial action was seamless.

1, Zhang Jincheng in the query owner information found on the Internet of a specialized gang of QQ, spent 100 Yuan to buy the owner of the Bentley name, identity card number and other information, found owners called "Andy Gong".

2, he spent 150 Yuan on the site looking for small retailers, purchased Andy Gong credit information reports , this report shows Andy Gong name has a credit line is 200,000-yuan credit cards.

3, according to the information card repayment period of 18 days, Zhang Jincheng judge that credit card issuers should be a commercial bank, he then called the xingke phone, identity card number cardholder customer service, pretending to ask if their credit card debts, answer customer service verifies that the card belongs to the Bank's credit card judgment.

4, credit card number, then is also easy to obtain. Zhang Jincheng made up an excuse, "I want to pay but no card, the card number please help me"-the xingke served in a simple inquiry to say the card number.

5, the identity of the cardholder information, credit card number, contact phone, Zhang Jincheng, Wu Shengnan lianban Amoy Street for making fake certificates officers false identification cards, Zhang Jincheng to handle a name, identity card number is "Andy Gong", but has his own avatar identities.

6, how to get "Andy Gong" credit card is the next key. First of all, the couple holding the "Andy Gong" fake ID lost Andy Gong's cell phone card, replacement new phone card. Then, Zhang Jincheng uses the SIM card contact customer service personnel, credit card address, tied up the phone had been changed. Finally, Zhang Jincheng and then called the loss a replacement credit card. While the new credit card processing after the Bank notified by text message to the chapter on Jincheng changed cell phone number, so the real cardholder Andy Gong do not know their credit card has been lost, and taken a new replacement card.

7, Zhang Jincheng to Andy Gong after applying for new credit cards on behalf of 20 days, they got his wish to get the credit for 200,000 yuan credit cards. Worth mentioning is that there are 300,000 credit card accounts.

8, the couple found a convenience store, and the owners negotiated price, POS machine is used for the funding of illegal cash.

Tasted the sweetness couples motivated by financial gain, and fantasy to such means to continue the crime. They found some prime residential mailbox management does not strictly, a little prying will be able to open the message box to get the owners and many bank credit cards for mail delivery to the cardholder.

In this way, two people easily get more than 10 banks mailed to cardholder's credit card. They are Goo, adopting Internet purchasing card credit information, handling of false identity cards, to business loss cell phone number, to the issuing bank for a replacement credit card.

From April 2014 to July, Zhang Jincheng, Wu Shengnan common to such modus operandi of 5 personal credit card the total amount of RMB more than 570,000 yuan.

Zhang Jincheng was born in a well-to-do family in Xiangshan County, Ningbo city, Zhejiang Province, and graduated from the Law Department of Northwestern University, worked for a well-known law firm in Zhejiang province. Wu Shengnan is a small girl, and graduated from the Law Department of Northwestern University, who worked at a State-owned enterprise in Ningbo as forensic work.

In 2007, after Zhang Jincheng accidental trip to Macao, then dip Casino, quandary, it is difficult to extricate themselves. In just two years, Zhang Jincheng lost after graduation, nearly a million of savings, borrowed 3 million or 4 million yuan from relatives and friends, in debt. Under the huge debt vulnerability, he and Wu Sheng men married their house sold. Also in 14 banks to apply for a credit line of 15 credit cards ranging from 50,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan. Zhang Jincheng premonition of card-issuing banks will soon be reported to the police, to be thrown into jail. Accordingly, he began life as a fugitive and his wife ... ... However, the sticky things sooner or later.

April 2016, the Xiamen City intermediate people's Court in closed session in accordance with law the second trial heard Zhang Jincheng, Wu Sheng men credit card fraud case. Eventually, the Court affirmed the judgment of first instance in the present case, to commit credit card fraud, sentenced defendant Zhang Jincheng Wu Shengnan sentenced to 13 years and six years ' imprisonment and a corresponding fine.

最牛怪盗:只看一眼车牌号,车主信用卡资金不翼而飞 - 犯罪,信用卡,征信报告 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 现在这年头,如果盗贼不会点高科技,出门说自己是盗贼恐怕也会让人耻笑。毕竟笨贼被逮最终道出的不少作案动机也让网友忍俊不禁,不过像这种高科技盗贼,只需要看一下富豪的车牌号,调出征信报告就能将其信用卡资金盗走,这种高科技犯罪确实仍然难以防范。


















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