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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/20 7:51:55 Edit(编辑)
Islands: Japan child pornography comic has a legitimate,

Islands: Japan child pornography comic has a legitimate,

Islands: Japan child pornography comic has valid-days man, comics-IT news Islands: Japan child pornography comic has a legitimate

The New York Times reported, bowing to pressure from years in line with other developed countries, Japan Parliament Wednesday announced that possession of child pornography is illegal, but still left a loophole for comics industry of the country. The new law is expected to come into effect next month will allow violators to a one-year grace period in order to eliminate all pornographic images, or else they will be prosecuted.

While the new law would not apply to comics, as well as animation and computer graphics found in the involvement of child sex pictures. This is Japan a strong publishing industry concessions. Passed the new law but appeared to be a victory for conservative politicians. They had been complaining about the fact that Japan is the only major organization for economic cooperation and development and other developed countries to allow members of the possession of child pornography.

Japan's leaders defended the new law did not apply to comic books, said the cartoons did not use real children, because it depicts is imaginary. They also said they wanted to avoid limiting artistic expression. "Despite fears such an illustration may encourage their children as sex objects, but freedom of expression is also an important issue," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said.

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