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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/8 8:47:24 Edit(编辑)
Two reasons, causing Twitter day today,

Two reasons, causing Twitter day today,

Two reasons, causing Twitter day today-Twitter,Facebook, Google-IT information

Google to create a search engine for the Internet age, Facebook opened up (PC Internet) age of social networking, Twitter (born in 2006) became the first grew up in the era of mobile Internet social networking company. But it is regrettable that, Twitter has failed to seize the golden opportunity to bring the mobile Internet, grown into a place in history comparable to Google, Facebook's "Google in the mobile age."

Where the Twitter problem? Today's decline comes from where? Recently, the United States mainstream network media analyzes BusinessInsider, mobile advertising revenues as it thinks objectively difficult, plus Twitter mobile product design fail on the subjective, leading to Twitter that today's the day.

In 2007, Apple released the first generation of iPhone, Android operating system to come out. Twitter is almost entirely in the era of mobile Internet grown up first major social media companies, from the birth of the first day, Twitter is designed for the mobile user. This gives Twitter a very good opportunity.

Mobile ads hard

However, met a challenge in all mobile Internet company Twitter--mobile advertising revenue in the Smartphone side, such as blue sky.

In the advertising and media industry jargon "print ads to earn dollars, earned 10 cents a share point online advertising dollars". What's the meaning of this?

Before the advent of the Internet, print media companies can claim huge advertising costs in accordance with the space to advertisers. After appeared in the online advertising, advertisers have become less generous, they will consider a variety of dissemination of results indicators, such as how many audiences see, showing how many times.

In the Internet era, network media increased sharply, they are competing for attention. Advertisers have a full understanding for the surfing habits of Internet users, it is impossible to pay for no one has ever seen online advertising. Other emerging website, or even become a free alternative to traditional print advertising (most typically impact newspaper classified ads free classifieds website Craigslist, advertisers can publish information for free).

In the age of the mobile Internet, jargon needs to add some of the above-"mobile ads to earn a few cents."

CPM online advertising pricing model (per 1000 displays offer). On the mobile side, CPM is much lower than the PC. From the PC to the Internet to the mobile Internet, and advertisers become more "stingy".

PC era banner ads or pop-up ads on the Internet. In the view of advertisers, which was also seen at least, contribute to brand building.

But in a 5-inch cell phone screen, size is too small, not easy to be seen by the user. In addition if the ad takes up too much screen space, abandoned site was determined by the user or the client.

Mobile advertising innovations have emerged, such as original ads (also called Advertorials) mixed in content, advertising and almost hard to tell the body, helps advertisers marketing. In addition, mobile video also attracted many users, they were able to endure the front video ad for a short time.

Twitter product errors

Each generation of technology innovation in the Internet, the birth of the new media and advertising revenue opportunities. Like Google rely on Web search, together with certain consumer willing and interested in the purpose of Internet users, the miracle of search advertising.

Relying on a good product (search engine), Google's new search-advertising revenue opportunities. Google's US $ 14 billion in profits last year, the company worth about $ 400 billion.

Growing up in the era of mobile Internet Twitter, turned out to have a chance to become the "Google's successor". Twitter can be excellent products for developing a suitable for smart phones and social media. However, in terms of product development, Twitter made a mistake. Many critics pointed out that Twitter the product is too small, accessibility is poor (such as all kinds of weird symbols), the newcomers do not know how to pay attention to others, in conditions of lack of feedback, new users will feel ashamed. In areas such as private letters, Twitter's design is too complex.

Twitter is the biggest social network rival Facebook, but Facebook was born from the PC to the Internet era, is a typical "Web site formats." Twitter had the opportunity to hit Facebook, just good old-fashioned search engine such as Google hit to Lycos, Inktomi.

In May 2012, Facebook listing, which was barely mobile advertising Facebook business and income. Today, Facebook is already the world's second-largest mobile ad service providers.

History of Twitter than WhatsApp, Facebook mobile chat Messenger under Tools has a long history. If Twitter had the foresight, it can use the direct message to launch the live chat function, blocking subsequent WhatsApp.

In the age of the mobile Internet, Facebook once if the needle does not know how to start. But it quickly found a strategy, developed a large number of client products based on smart phone, Instagram and WhatsApp through acquisitions, expanded its mobile social networking product line. In less than 2.5 years in, Facebook to build mobile products and mobile advertising, mobile advertising revenue now more than computer Web site's advertising revenue.

Twitter increasingly difficult situation. In Facebook on the mobile side through at the same time, to Snapchat as the representative of a group of mobile social networking start-ups came from behind to split many young users. In the view of some young people, weird Twitter product features, belong to the parent generation.

Product design, and mobile advertising on the mobile side, Twitter in a struggle. Was likely to be "successor to the mobile generation Google" Twitter, if still no turnaround in the future, you have the potential to become the next MySpace (was leading social networking site Facebook, in decline after being bought by News Corporation), was forgotten.

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