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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/8 8:46:57 Edit(编辑)
Our citizens will be issued “network card“: once issued, used,

Our citizens will be issued “network card“: once issued, used,

Our citizens will be issued "network card": once issued, using the ID-IT-network information

According to the Xinmin evening news reported, with the disclosure of personal information of citizens growing, harassing phone calls and a variety of fraud can be prevented. Reporters recently learned from the third Research Institute of the Ministry of public security, independent of the citizenship system "citizen's network identity system of public security", has passed the state encryption administration safety review begins eID issued to citizens (citizens network of electronic identity). With the virtual identity extension, avoiding disclosure of personal information.

Introduce third eID Yan Zeming, head of the Institute of the Ministry of public security, China's current lack of network identity services and public infrastructure, most Web applications only in name, identity card number and other identity authentication on the Web, this is the reason of lead to the disclosure of personal information.

EID is uncrackable encryption algorithms in theory, even if it was read out, is just meaningless strings, so that citizens in network information when registration or online business, you do not need specific personal information, show your eID.

Users will no longer need to remember more and more accounts and passwords, to enjoy eID, "once around the issue, use" safe and convenient service. Every citizen can have only one different from its true identity corresponds to the eID,eID network application Agency assigned status codes are not the same.

It is reported that as of May this year, eID is loaded ICBC financial IC cards have been issued in the country of more than 16 million copies. Shanghai Bank, Minsheng bank credit cards upcoming eID financial IC card is loaded. EID in e-commerce, public services, online legal services, Internet banking, logistics, transportation and other areas of the application and extension of the pilot work is also being carried out.

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