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published in(发表于) 2016/5/3 5:49:17 Edit(编辑)
The campaign statement “mowed down“ multiple Web site: users questioned the privacy issue,

The campaign statement “mowed down“ multiple Web site: users questioned the privacy issue,(扫黄打非“扫倒”多个网盘:用户质疑隐私问题,)



The campaign statement "mowed down" multiple Web site: users-network on questions of privacy, cloud services, privacy-IT information

According to voice of reports the news vertical and horizontal, the age of big data, network assistant of the cloud as a lot of people work and live, to store documents and photos, and so on. And with the Internet service providers providing network capacity is increasing, coupled with the broadband network now is speeding up, but with the development of Web site, the derived problems are more severe, using network disk to spread pornographic information is particularly prominent.

This year March 2, national "anti-pornography" Office, and central network letter do, and national news published radio, five sector joint issued notification, full carried out combat using cloud disc spread obscene porn information special regulation action, to governance this class violations, and announced has 6 up using sales cloud disc (network disc) account and password spread obscene porn information profit case, which on involved 360 cloud disc, and 115 network disc, and Le depending on network disc, cloud storage tool. Shandong Weihai, police found that Internet users in February last year to create a QQ Group, and this group upload pornographic video files and by creating a QQ Group, including sales of 360 accounts containing tens of thousands of pornographic videos. Huadian, Jilin province public security detection of cases, criminal suspects Liu Shi two sisters, over a total of more than 100 users at 40 Yuan to 80 Yuan price, sale of 360 disks containing obscene video account. The regulation to trigger the network industry wave shut down go boom, and has not stopped. On March 4, 115 Web site announcement, turn off "gifts from file-sharing" feature, and chat to me the rectification, the line "file send". On March 17, the Alibaba UC Web site announced that the terminating network disk storage service since April 15. 51 Eve, SINA weibo on its micro-claims will be closed June 30, 2016, free personal storage services, and closed micro-disk features such as search, share, and inventories to meet the relevant State until cleared. On April 27, the Thunder will also stop storage service for individual users, and comprehensive personal video service. This lets many users by surprise.

Beijing public horse Miss said, "I zhiqian registered had Sina of network disc, because I think Sina itself is a big brand, and I himself is do photography of, I on put many guest tablets biography has up, but Qian paragraph time on notification we to put these information quickly pour out, I think also is is trouble of, because I of information special more, zhihou words, has wants to had to don't again for a platform, because heard Baidu of network disc now also can with, but also is worried if will which days and notification I, put information pour out, So I think it's probably going to buy another hard drive and do a data backup be safer. ”

Mr Wang said working in the Internet, the current market demand for network disk is still on the rise, may have sex transmission and other problems, but as an essential platform of the age of big data, standardized drive market helped drive the development of China's information industry. "NET is a tool, that is, different people have different usage, but needs to be in. Like Enterprise in, may one big of activities you need synchronization information of when, sometimes one big of activities you need of information has a g dozens of a g, cannot completely by points on points of USB flash drive or mobile hard disk to solution, and this a in abroad has is is big of industry has, from economic development of angle, in you specification some porn, some walking content of based Shang, he a is health of a industry. ”

Continuous pressure in the related sector under the background of the fight against pornographic websites, network drive into one of the main channels for the dissemination of bad information. However, the drive to some extent, is a user's personal private space on the network. In this context, network disk go? How to strengthen the supervision of Web site and protect individual privacy?

Internet watchers, copyright lawyers, Lin said, speaking from law, network disk is a part of network dissemination of information, but not all, providing network service is not available at the site content itself, but in technical services.

Lin explains, "I pass on the information to the Web site, and network disk storage service providers providing service and my server provides storage services to the Internet through the website to disseminate to the public I uploaded content on the Web site, which is a complete process. And network disc in this process in the just which a link, is storage, if to determine network disc of legal responsibility, network disc Servicers it provides of service, just is storage service this a article should clear, on not should said whole chain in the, including various different of behavior including upload, and storage, and spread, so he this series of process in the, each a a link are has may exists independent of responsibility. ”

Lin believes that a more reasonable solution is to spread the use of the Web site acts as a network of communication and supervision of the content services provided, but for purely non-overt private network disk storage should be de jure only implementing regulation, but without direct access to a private space for review. "If is a simple of network disc service of provides business, it actually put network disc provides storage as a full of commercial mode, is user can provides store, while network disc of Servicers and for user through network disc storage content of spread provides has help, like I help you to do promotion, so in this when this network disc provides service business it provides of service, on just purely of storage service, in this when if said was spread of content appeared has illegal violations of, this when will see, The network service provider, it is in the process of content involved in a number. ”

扫黄打非“扫倒”多个网盘:用户质疑隐私问题 - 网盘,云服务,隐私 - IT资讯









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