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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/7 0:40:00 Edit(编辑)
“Machine substitutions“ to force, but manufacturing in Dongguan is difficult to mix,

“Machine substitutions“ to force, but manufacturing in Dongguan is difficult to mix,

"Machine substitutions" to force, manufacturing or mixing of Dongguan robot manufacturing-IT information

Dongguan "machine change" concern. Once a manufacturing town, after sustained economic downturn in orders, soaring labor costs and other factors in Dongguan are forced to upgrade.

Public figures, Dongguan's 8 months of negative growth before the industrial technology investment from 2014, monthly to annual growth 28.6%, 2014, overall labor productivity of industrial enterprises above the designated size up to 17% employment 6.8%, product costs declined an average of 12.5%.

Deputy Mayor of Dongguan said He Yu, through support for smartphones, robotics industry, plans to build ten years in Dongguan motion control with high-end equipment and high-end consumer products, industrial and service robots three enterprise groups, and let the robot industry and gradually formed influential.

Dongguan's "machine change" a good momentum of development, transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry still faces deep problems in Dongguan, for example, difficult to blend Government planning and enterprise development, lack of modern services supporting SMEs in transition.

Dongguan manufacturing difficulties: labor costs are 10 times higher than in South-East Asia times

Size factories in Dongguan, liaobu town, Gansu province, 34 years old, born businessman Yang runs a wire manufacturing plant, the only size of more than 90 people supporting the factory manufactured electrical wire, mainly used for signal transmission. While the operation is still OK, talk about the subject of manufacturing, Yang Tao, unable to hide my anxiety.

"The situation is now, Wolf, a flock of sheep on the run, were ran hard, we can just do not run in the final, but when you're left with a sheep, were eaten. "The night of May 18, sat in the main city of a popular cold West restaurant, Yang Tao, the author said. Yang Tao, this sense of anxiety for a long time, and more and more. One of his observations is that the past two years, Dongguan's manufacturing plants were either closed down or relocated, "very bad".

"A number," longtime Dongguan manufacturing development of electronic information industry researcher Gong Jiayong said in an interview with the author, "from 2013 to 2014, about 3,000 plants. ”

According to Gong Jiayong introduces, in these closed factories, electronic instrument and accounted for more than 40%, accounted for more than 20% of plastic products, metal products accounted for more than 10%. Yang Tao-run plant that belongs to the first category.

"The situation is really serious. "Lin Jiang, a Director of the taxation Department of Lingnan College, Zhongshan University said in an interview that" as far as I know, almost 10 years since the transformation and upgrading of the Dongguan Government has made many efforts, but can only be said poorly. ”

The reality of an electronics manufacturing plant

Dongguan Yang should belong to social factors typical and widespread manufacturing practitioners: read less, early from the mainland came to Dongguan, working in a factory, when Institute of technology or accumulate a certain client resources, from the factory, the purchase of equipment, hiring a small amount of artificial, do the same thing previously done at the factory.

As early as 1997, Yang Tao by the first step of fellow guides, from Gansu province, home to the Guangdong, when he was only 16 years old, graduated from junior high school. Early experience ups and downs: into the black factory, and stall, run across the business. Until 2008, as in running business has some customers, Yang told friends opened a thirty or forty people in houjie town, Dongguan city the size of small factories, electrical wires.

"That's some Taiwan-funded factory or in the large factories and orders for them to do, to send us these small factory," Yang recalled, "such small factories have been done a lot, such as a four thousand or five thousand people scale manufacturers, surrounded around dozens of small plant or one hundred or two hundred, they do matching. ”

However, Yang Tao, they first-run factory was born before long that faced the financial crisis, "the recession, each factory did not order manufacturers own orders is not sufficient, so few outward going out, or something is worth 5 cents, it only gives you 3 cents, makes you lose money orders. "After about half a year in support, Yang had to turn off the factory. By the year 2010, the economic situation improved, many manufacturers of orders do not come over, Yang chipped in with my friends opened a production plant, site in Tangxia, Dongguan, liaobu 2013 moved to, and operated ever since.

Yang's factory is now supporting wires for some electronics factory orders, mainly from the Pearl River Delta, some also came from other parts of the country as well as abroad. Despite the increasingly wide range of business, but Yang's feelings are, "from 2010 to now a difficult year after year, like an inverted pyramid, the longer the more difficult".

According to Yang Tao introduction, leading to difficulties in operation is a major cause of rising labor costs. "Under the new labour code workers ' base salaries and overtime pay standards, unlike earlier that workers send wages by enterprises themselves, enterprises did not make so much profit, it must be so. "Now the factory workers ' average monthly salary at around 4000.

Due to increased labor costs, Yang Tao, a number of large customers, "as some Japanese, Korean-owned factory, transferred to much of Southeast Asia, where cheaper labor, such as Viet Nam, each human as long as 1000 Yuan a month or so. "Yang factory orders reduced.

On one side are labor costs continue to rise, and on the other, according to Dongguan manufacturing of "rules of the game", "customers have been cut, some larger customers, there are hard and fast rules, falling once every quarter, you do not drop out. "For example, Yang said," for example, I do this product for 8 years, falling once every quarter, each price or have a minimum amount, such as each will send a 2%, 8 years is equivalent to drop 32 2%, profit is very thin. ”

Yang Tao does not want to run in its own factories became flocks in the last one, but watching the enterprises continue to be eaten around, inevitably, are pessimistic. Yang said: "now to the critical point, margins are so low, risk-resisting ability is also very poor, in case the financing doesn't come back or operation mistakes, could fall at any moment. ”

Loss of manpower advantage

Tan Feng engaged in garment manufacturing to the author, clothing manufacturers, "a normal technical workers pay 5000 Yuan a month or so, well done, six thousand or seven thousand and seven thousand or eight thousand, is two years. "Contrasts with the manufacturing of artificial," in South-East Asia, Bangladesh workers ' per capita salary of four hundred or five hundred Yuan, 500 Yuan is not much, Viet Nam has more than 1000 Yuan. ”

While Gong Jiayong introduction to the author, "there is such a figure, 2013, Dongguan's labor cost was 2506, an average annual growth of more than 23%, corporate labor costs under a lot of pressure, this creates them: on the one hand labour costs rising, while profits in the manufacturing sector is getting worse. ”

And even artificial prices rose again in recent years, the manual has been a shortage in Dongguan. Local business people told me: "the developed and opened a lot of plants, especially large enterprises like Foxconn, in some human output big province opened a factory, near employment of workers, would not have come to Dongguan. "With the Dongguan, some businesses have closed or moved, since the beginning of this year, labor tensions ease in" manual is no longer so hard to find, and reached a balance. "

Even so, cheap labor in Southeast Asia, or let the outflow of Dongguan businessmen urge is hard to suppress. In early April this year, Hou Jie Shi Lei, Chairman of a paper company to a trip to Viet Nam in order to investigate the market. "For the company's development strategy, Viet Nam market, our comparative value," Shiller told me, "Although we do not move, but still want to dominate the market through trade. "His Viet Nam market perception is" almost to that of Dongguan in the early 1990 of the 20th century, at the initial stage, 5-8 grow quite rapidly in the future. "

Benji is Chongqing, 1990 year of working in Guangdong Province, houjie business paper, began in 1999. His company is in fact a paper marketing company, itself does not produce bought from at home and abroad for simple processing of the original paper, and then sold to printing plant, every year there are hundreds of millions of Yuan in turnover. Benji introduction in recent years, their "days are difficult in this industry", both upstream of the paper mill or a printing plant and raw materials, as well as their distributors in the Middle these, is true. In recent years, several prominent dealers in the industry, fell off. "Have a billion of scale. ”

In parallel with the business paper, from 2009 onwards, Benji invested more than 100 million, operating in the town of Humen clothing production a lingerie brand. "The environment is not good on the one hand, the most important thing is that I didn't know. "End in failure, loss of 70 million or 80 million yuan of Benji, now turn our energies to paper marketing.

"Garment manufacturing in Dongguan, now the situation is very grim," Shiller told me, "after several stages of germination, growth and saturation of it, now the phase of recession. "Why the recession? Shiller: "according to our argument that wages, factory, fabrics and all related expenses are going up in, only the profit decline. Clothing industry in Dongguan are relying on American and European orders, orders are getting smaller now, big in Europe and sent to Cambodia, Viet Nam, Bangladesh, India, where labor costs are lower. ”

Lost houjie

Tang Li is neijiang, Sichuan people ages 21, 2013 to houjie town, Dongguan city, relatives and friends in a beauty salon work. "Do is high-end business guests are Taiwan, Hong Kong to open the great lady. "Business was very good. And on May 22, the author met her that day, she looked very disappointed, said should be left Dongguan soon. She has left the Salon: "the beauty salon while still open, but it has no business. ”

Over more than 30 townships under the jurisdiction of Dongguan, houjie is particularly well-known, which relies on its highly developed "services" as well as footwear, footwear is in Dongguan, houjie to win the "world shoe" reputation. Beginning in February 2014 "anti-vice", houjie town, "service industry" disappeared. Their shoes, according to the local senior shoe introduced Mr ling, "featured lost", in the view of Mr ling, Hou Jie has "no longer".

"Hou Jie is now a sleeping beast. "Tang Li described to the author. When she returned to houjie after the Spring Festival this year, found that few people in the street. "Some people came back, but also to collect my luggage, they should go. "Beauty salon business," with a great industrial relations. " Tang Li asked several of her guests: "they said city workers expensive and taxes or something, they decide to Viet Nam went over there. ”

Not just Hou Jie, walking around the main city of Dongguan and other cities and towns, one of the most immediate feeling is people scattered on the streets. Taxi driver Wang is very frustrated. "Dongguan lost hundreds of thousands of people," he was always little business, "sometimes ran 20 miles to a guest. "If it signed the contract with company, has put tens of thousands of Yuan in the company, he will quit. Wang told reporters, because business is tough, Dongguan's taxi driver has been stopped twice, in May last year for the first time, second time in mid-May this year.

Mr Ling served as the VP of business shoe factory located in houjie sandun industrial park, sandun industrial park of aggregation was difficult to gauge the number of shoe factories, large and small, especially famous for Taiwan-invested factory, "is a base for Taiwan-owned factory. "" San Tun a large factory, now closed, many Taiwan-invested factories are evacuated. "Mr Ling told reporters. On May 25, I've been to San Tun, seen at the industrial park on the walls of many "for lease".

According to Mr Ling introduces, in the shoe industry, Guangdong enterprises are mainly European and American markets, Southeast Asian markets were mainly done by enterprises in Zhejiang and Fujian. "This year the European market to do business, the situation is serious, few orders. United States market, serious polarization: while prices are relatively low, but large orders very much, basically nothing orders for small businesses. "Because of this," Hou Jie can't go more small factories and now. ”

"They hold, a major factor is that profits are too low. "Mr Ling said," now a pair of shoes pure profit in only three or four dollars, when you can earn more than 10 blocks before. ”

Controversial "substitution of the machine"

"Frank to said, I for the Dongguan pinch put Khan," Guangdong Province social Academy of Sciences Professor Ding Li in accept author interview Shi said, "Dongguan of problem, actually is Guangdong of problem, Guangdong of problem actually is China of problem, because China in this for decades years to, through processing trade participation global of industry Division, to won himself of development, this mode, Dongguan is most classic of has. ”

Says Ding Li, because after 30 years of development in Dongguan, has been accumulated. He is not "Dongguan itself there is nothing to worry about", "the key is that it can't go out from the original track, the traditional model of development, can become a new model of development. "Ding Li that" very difficult ".

In recent years, around the industrial transformation and upgrading, the Dongguan Government has done a series of efforts, as one of the aspects, the robot industry be included in the direction of the future development of the key industries in the city. The Dongguan municipal party Committee propaganda Department, the author learned that the Dongguan government investment of 2.7 billion yuan, are building robot Regency industrial base, since its September 2014 machine substitutions Fund application, up to April this year, "has received a valid declaration item 505, preliminary statistics, these projects with a total investment of 4.26 billion yuan, is expected to reduce labor 34378".

"Machine substitutions in order to enhance the scientific and technological content of traditional manufacturing, reducing reliance on labour, while improving productivity and improve product quality. "Researchers Gong Jiayong introduction to the author of electronic information industry in Dongguan:" reduce labour reliance, a robot for 6~8 about a worker, if the city's manufacturing industry can be used, it will save millions of workers. ”

Substitution is now machine the Dongguan Government support the project. "There are special funds, if your plant equipment with a machine, you can apply for this funding. "As far as I know, some manufacturing plants in Dongguan, forced by the reality of rising labor costs, in advance of the Government's special support, as a sort of self-righting, and already had or have already implemented the machine changes.

But with the substitution of the machine industry in Dongguan fever rising, manufacturing workers also expressed concern. "The Government encourages intelligent or robot industry, everyone piled on, it will just like PV, LED industry and eventually died a large? "A manufacturing practitioners told the author. The manufacturing professionals know a few "do the robot", "he doesn't have any technology, see everyone doing the robot, hung up a sign that says need to be robots, how do? Go to United States or Malaysia, bought a something back, then a research and Development Department, seven or eight people, split, and debugged for mass production, it does not have its own research and development capabilities. ”

According to the introduction of manufacturing practitioners, by 2013, Guangdong has 6 "manipulator" enterprise, Shenzhen, three or four of them, one in Dongguan Songshan Lake, at present, already has more than 100 companies in Dongguan to do this "manipulators" of the enterprise. "Regency only one, all you have to do the kind of robot, can be customized. Is designed according to the needs the program, which is developed. And other technical content that simply do not have their own, the only competition is cheaper. ”

Because of this, he is increasingly worried about the robotics industry in Dongguan will also go back to the original Foundry way.

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