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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:34:45 Edit(编辑)
Foxconn’s robot, Apple iPhone6 first use,

Foxconn’s robot, Apple iPhone6 first use,

Foxconn's robot, Apple-Foxbots iPhone6 first used, robot, Foxconn, iPhone6,iPhone-IT information Foxconn's robot, Apple iPhone6 first use

Robot the possibility of replacing workers for mass production? Foxconn, Apple's iOS devices main producers argue that it is entirely possible. At the annual shareholders ' meeting, Terry GOU, Hon Hai Group's CEO hinted that its subsidiary Foxconn's factory has entered the final stages of testing. He implied that the robot when the factory began operations, Apple was the first company to use the service.

Apple sold about 43.7 million units in the first quarter in fiscal 2014 iPhone, which Apple has become Foxconn's biggest clients. If this project is completed, Foxconn does not require people to assemble equipment, each robot will charge an average of 30000 devices. Gou said the robot called "Foxbots" and said they will not sell these robots, because they were inadequate.

Foxconn reportedly 10,000 Foxbots had been ready to deploy at least a Foxconn factory, and each robot will cost us $ 20000 to 25000.

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