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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/7 0:39:34 Edit(编辑)
Black drops fast response to question: simply by existing laws,

Black drops fast response to question: simply by existing laws,

Black drops fast response questions:-take a taxi to the last drop cannot be seen simply using existing laws, take a taxi, Uber, black-IT information

According to voice of the news vertical and horizontal reports, in the past two days show, Chinese reporters to see for yourself how to become the voice of drops of car and people better drivers. In the course of experience, reporters found that drops the launch of car access, express a large number of private cars, and people, is much more accepting of private cars.

Drops through the fast recruitment of private owners, after receiving a certain amount of orders, you can link it to the car rental company, car drivers. And the people you step, called themselves the car-sharing business, but reporters found in order, sometimes orders are not displayed, and the "car pooling" concept far.

At present, the local traffic control departments have to position the car business, mostly fall into the "black" category, the orders and the large car platform is rising. Such situations, precisely because the passenger car to understand the huge difference with regulators. So, for the status quo, car how do software companies see? Recently, the CCTV reporter interviewed drops faster and in charge of the company.

On April 30, the Guangzhou joint investigation office in Guangzhou, on May 18, the Shanghai traffic Authority announced that it would drop fast enterprise service platform for joint construction of a taxi, and to work out about car rental services, namely car access to the operational approach. On June 2, interviewed by the Beijing Municipal traffic Commission drops fast, saying the car, express business illegally.

Almost 1 month's time, release signal is not the same everywhere, but "control" Word has always been high, in the face of local regulatory stance, how car companies respond? Liu Zhen, head of the strategy in an interview with CCTV in China, said the step was doing its best to match the Government's work:

Liu Zhen: I think the Government is worried that the essence of the problem, is going to have a very good control. Step, the key regulatory issues, to its specification. How can specifications? How can we, and all parties to cooperate with the Government. To strengthen management.

Beijing city transport Commission when interviewed in June 2 drops fast, makes clear that using private cars and rental vehicles are equipped with pilot, in accordance with the provision of transport services and passenger preference according to the meter and time of passenger services, in violation of the provisions of existing laws and regulations.

Car traffic control Department be defined directly as much as black, this drops fast Ye Geng, Director of marketing, told reporters that they are black, has a different definition:

Ye Geng: this depends on how you define black, things are black or white, is it really OK? If it is both platform management and monitoring platform, there is a corresponding better insurance and guarantee mechanism, in fact, is a good thing for consumers.

When asked, many cars pass fast on the road, pull enough odd and then link it to the leasing company and then when car, Ye Geng refused to comment. He stressed that the express business is profitable:

Ye Geng: Express is a not-for-profit a lift platform, platform service is not allowed in any fees, this is a major difference. Car now is to have a strict audit, express trains will also be follow-up audits, but is more than a channel for online registration.

Similarly, the reporters questioning of lax auditing, China said Liu Zhen, Director of the strategy, people background checks on drivers, but is not a mandatory condition:

Liu Zhen: people step audits, we asked the driver to meet the driving demands. If in the case of consent of the other party, we request a certain background checks, view their criminal records and safe driving record. These, we are under the consent of the driver.

But according to the reporter's personal experience, after the addition of people, has not received any requests for background checks, fill out the information directly on the road. Faced with security problems, Liu Zhen, told reporters that security of the taxi is not 100%, have invested a lot of effort to improve the safety and security of passengers.

Liu Zhen: taxis and other cars also have a lot of security, what problems do you have to complain, can be solved? In case of unsafe, do you have any system or records to be protected? If a problem occurs, can quickly assist police investigations? Also see which sections have problems? We are constantly improving, because it was a new thing.

Liu Zhen said at present, all orders will have GPS tracks and upload it to the background, passengers can themselves inform others at any time:

Liu Zhen: you open you can see the trip as a point, in constant motion, you can always share your.

When asked, if all levels of Government fully certified software can bring traffic, what change? Chinese Liu Zhen gave to reporters in Boston, head case:

Liu Zhen: we are a pilot and Boston, called smarter cities, we opened up our data to the Boston Government, can tell the Government what time is rush hour, at its peak, in the city there are a few not hit cars or people-intensive travel? Governments will see public transport where possible is not enough or needed to be strengthened. Can be delicate to this place can be a traffic light? Or a sign of pause? Large amounts of data collected through travel, can help cities more wisdom and more efficient.

According to Xinhua, Wang Shuiping, Deputy Director, Services Division, Department of transport said on May 21, at present, the Ministry of transport working group on deepening the reform of the taxi industry has come up with preliminary draft reform of taxi industry, is seeking opinions from all sides, hold on to modify.

The news media and by many "special management plan" put together, but after reporters searching, only to find "related people, or will introduce" such words. Only one Chinese news report written, relevant people to Beijing, Xinhua said, about car rental management program is working on the development of national, is expected to be issued.

Car market for the future, drops quickly said Ye Geng, Director of marketing, limousine as a new product in the Internet age, it cannot simply use existing laws to look at:

Ye Geng: the past in the case of no Internet, defined by a set of travel policy, under the mechanisms of the Internet should be keeping pace with the. Limousine after appearing, it actually squeeze the traditional line of black cars under living space, the black is the real risks.

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