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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/6 7:32:54 Edit(编辑)
Win10 is Microsoft’s Jedi strikes back? ,

Win10 is Microsoft’s Jedi strikes back? ,

Win10 is Microsoft's Jedi strikes back? -Win10 preview Win10 system-IT information

This week, Microsoft official blog announced thatWindows10 will be officially released on July 29 in 190 countries, mobile phone version is expected to be released at the end of it.

Late last year, more than skip IT insiders pointed out that Microsoft "Windows9" an important reason for this is: with more than 10 years ago, Windows 95 and Windows 98 compatibility issues.

Just skip number 9 won't help Microsoft off the hook, fighting back is highly unlikely.

Wintel Alliance has collapsed

Wintel has is an acronym used to describe Windows and Intel both sweet. All along, the Wintel Alliance has dominated the PC market in the world, repeatedly resisted the crisis together.

Intel and Windows are pursuing a "forward-compatible" products. Since Intel x86 processor can run a program 30 years ago. But rather as "forward-compatible" policy makes Intel and Microsoft have been carrying heavy ambitions.

Before the Smartphone, Wintel Alliance has been pressing the ARM out of breath. In order to differentiate, and ARM had been meant to "low-cost,low-power,high-performance". Results don't know precisely meets the needs of smart phones.

Business, no permanent friends, no permanent enemies. Intel CEO Grove III stepped down in time to admit that the biggest mistake is too dependent on Microsoft. Subsequently, Intel began sponsoring Linux.

In 2012 then-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer at CES show, "said Microsoft will show more suitable for Tablet PC touch screen interface and the lower power consumption of the new version of Windows. "This marks a rupture of the Wintel Alliance.

Today, the Windows8 Windows 10 Mobile, Microsoft is beginning to "accept" ARM.

Can't imagine Microsoft without allies or to go through.

Google and Apple's strong attack

In the mobile phone and Internet, Microsoft to compete with Google, Apple full rout.

Google has always adhered to the "browser to dominate the world." Chrome's market share was increased gradually. In China, benefiting from 360, sogou, Chrome's market share is close to 50%. After HTML5 released, the browser becomes more and more clear.

Maximum reliance on general users Windows or its Office System. Google introduced the Chrome OS, need only a browser and an Internet can use Google Drive,Google Office suite and a range of services such as Google Gmail.

Then take a look at Apple. Charge iPhone software Greg Christie after-service, driven by Jony Ive, Mac and iOS8 for a more seamless connection, in next week's WWDC 2015, Mac and iOS also has a deeper integration.

In personal computers and mobile phones is no chance. In the field of Internet of things, Microsoft also has no advantage at all. ARM tries to do closed-loop, bulkhead Mbed networking operating system starts. Microsoft have no opportunities for cooperation.

Android + Chrome as well as iOS + Mac full siege, little capital to counter Microsoft.

Product does not give force

In Microsoft, Windows Phone product is defined for the second priority.

Authoritative market research agency IDC forecasts, because the base was too thin, even if Windows Phone sales volume exceeded 100 million, share only from 3.2% to 5.4%. In IDC's view, within the three systems for a long time in the future will remain relatively stable, Windows Phone is doomed to be a minority.

Surface 3 is Microsoft new generation of mobile computers at the end of March this year. Than before, Surface 3 screens, and has made substantial improvements in weight. But what is undeniable is the first two generations of lost and helpless.

Although the consumer at first resistance to big-screen smart phone, Tablet, iPhone and iPad are gradually allow people to dispel such concerns, but in the big-screen devices most suitable market node, Microsoft has not grasped.

Windows 8.1 support for touch-screen operation, but consumers are feeling is the longer arm when using touch screen. Against humanity this interaction, there is Gorilla arm effect (human upper limb structures determine human beings do not operate for long lift arm. For the small screen, the problem is not obvious, but for a large touch-screen, the sharp decline in effect cause the touch-screen experience).

Final counterattack

Although Windows Mobile and difficult to achieve a breakthrough on the IOT, Microsoft is still on every Android phone can be collected 3~4 dollars in royalties, still has a long life.

Now preparing to attack Microsoft and give Symbian a few years ago, go to Android almost identical to Nokia. Annealing is dead, is dead.

Just, "Internet product, once down, almost no turning back. ”

Statement : the personal view of the author only, and do not represent information positions IT.

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