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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/6 7:30:19 Edit(编辑)
Comment: operator fee reduction, responsible only far enough,

Comment: operator fee reduction, responsible only far enough,

Comment: operator fee reduction, responsible only far enough-speed drop fee, network charges-IT information

In promoting the operator speed on the question of fee reduction, focusing on corporate responsibility, forcing companies to change, is not enough. If the assessment of enterprises are not adjusted and optimized, will definitely affect the speed reduction to enterprises ' initiatives.

In accordance with the request of the Prime Minister, the three carriers quickly to speed reduction programmes, but it has not been great, but was questioned by public opinion, think the insincere, perfunctory. In this regard, the three operators also feel much aggrieved, many operators who said, in the face of large-scale broadband investment, operators in the short term is difficult to recover the cost, now face declining tariffs, while profit index, natural, three carriers due to speed reduction programmes, can also be fizzled.

Investment, it is an indisputable fact. According to the broadband China's strategic requirements, the three carriers are increase investment in telecommunications infrastructure, in which, China Unicom (micro-blogging) and China Telecom (micro-blog) new capital expenditure this year, an increase of more than 20 billion yuan, 110 billion and 107.8 billion, respectively. Although much can be obtained via the capital markets, however, due to the large investments, investment return period is too long, and some even return not achieved, and the need for reform, for operators, it is a very real problem.

More importantly, due to bear the responsibilities of the national strategy of telecom enterprises in nature for public utility service enterprises. Therefore, in its assessment process, must also be in accordance with the assessment requirements of public enterprises, in terms of efficiency indicators to be more flexible, looser, rather than rigid implementation of profit index.

It is clear, from the State Department issued the performance indicators for the three operators, has not issued according to the requirements of public enterprises, but according to general orders competing companies. Help enterprises strengthen management, increased marketing efforts, speed up technological innovation, but in case of speed reducing time-consuming, will inevitably use dive. Because, in contradiction of the speed drop charges and profit assessment, three operators can choose profit appraisal. This is closely related to the interests of executives, according to the State-owned assets supervision recently issued the circular on further improving spirit of revenue notice of matters relevant to the work of Central enterprises, profit declined, total wages will decline. So, are affected, not just corporate executives, including general staff. This is clearly unacceptable, is also unable to avoid diving on the speed drop problem. Results of diving, nature is always strongly criticized by the public and critics.

In fact, in promoting the operator speed on the question of fee reduction, focusing on corporate responsibility, forcing companies to make changes, it is not good enough. Like assessment of profits, if the assessment of enterprises are not adjusted and optimized, will definitely affect the speed reduction to enterprises ' initiatives, many will virtually increase the resistance. After all, the operators are not only market-oriented enterprise, is characteristic of certain public enterprises, we must consider the interests of consumers, also needs to take into account their interests. Otherwise, the speed reduction goals would be difficult to achieve.

Is in need of attention, appraisal, evaluation on enterprise profits, the surface is to realize the value of State-owned assets, substantively and to people's welfare. Since the speed drop fee can bring tangible benefits to the people, from a certain point of view, does not achieve: increasing the value of State-owned assets? Why do we have to rigidly check the operator's profit? If, in the process of assessment of enterprise, the related index flexibility, such as how many CERs, according to operators who enjoy profit targets, or make the assessment of benefits and profit, so developers are taking profits review as an excuse, there is no reason to put people speeding down the fees demanded.

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