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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:10:05 Edit(编辑)
Theft of over $ 100 million, Russian hackers were the King of the United States FBI pursued globally,

Theft of over $ 100 million, Russian hackers were the King of the United States FBI pursued globally,

Theft of over $ 100 million, King of the Russian hacker was wanted by the US FBI global-hacker, hacker King of FBI-IT information Theft of over $ 100 million, King of the Russian hacker was wanted by the US FBI global

According to Reuters, BBC reported that United States Federal Bureau of investigation most wanted a Russia hacker chiefs that he manipulated the hacker group to a global enterprise and banking computers spreading viruses, stealing more than $ 100 million. United States Department of Justice official said on June 2 that United States Federal Bureau of investigation jointly with the multinational law enforcement authorities mounted an operation in Ukraine Kiev and Donetsk smashed a computer virus "botnet" command center.

According to court documents released show that in connection with the Organization since 2006, spread on the Internet "Gameover Zeus" Zeus software, invading companies and more than 500,000 computers worldwide, used to intercept user passwords and private data within the computer theft of more than $ 100 million. In addition, this software is still installed on the compromised computer malicious software "Cryptolocker", to encrypt files on the victim's computer, after the victims pay ransom. Hackers will decrypt the files.

United States Department of Justice said that malicious software Cryptolocker invaded 234,000 computer hacker extortion of $ 27 million to the victims. United States Deputy Attorney General, Kohl said Hackers often zombies hacked into corporate and private computer network software to intercept user passwords and private data, and then transferred to the hacker manipulated overseas bank accounts.

United States Department of Justice said, spreading a virus illegal organization leader called Russia "hacker King of" pulling the strings, the person named Bogacev. United States officials believe the Bogacev lived near Anapa on the Black Sea. United States Federal Bureau of investigation agent testified that, in chatting online with the undercover agent, Bogacev claims that he is the author of the original virus Zeus. The Zeus virus has invaded 13 million computers and caused tens of millions of dollars in losses.

United States Department of Justice, said Bogacev United States court charged with fraud and money laundering charges, illegal invasion, and is listed in the United States Federal Bureau of investigation most wanted list. However, Russia and the United States have not signed the agreement on extradition, Bogacev perhaps never was arrested.

Reuters said that, although the United States will Bogacev arrests may be small, but it reflects a new policy of the United States, United States wanted hackers exposed.

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