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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/6 7:30:13 Edit(编辑)
College entrance examination will come standard with tamper with five piece of cover: you can locate wireless signals,

College entrance examination will come standard with tamper with five piece of cover: you can locate wireless signals,

College entrance examination will come standard with tamper with five piece of cover:-entrance to locate wireless signal source, cheating-IT information

On June 7, the college entrance examination in 2015 will kick off the big screen. Yesterday, reporters followed into the Yubei Middle School of Chongqing education examinations in advance about the examination room. Anti cheat system upgrade of the college entrance examination this year, stricter, the city has also expanded its specifically for invisible wireless headphones are equipped with detectors using a scale.

Yesterday morning, in Yubei Middle School of the kaowu Office, the reporter met each examination room in our city this year-the anti cheat system comes standard with five piece of cover. Including radio controlled clock, invisible headset detectors, the second generation ID card verification device, metal detectors and cell phone signal shielding device.

It is understood that candidates entering the examination hall, the examiner first to check identity cards and ticket, each candidate must pass through the metal detector checks before entering the examination hall.

Yubei middle school examination officials to journalists at the scene shows up. After the switch is open, the green light on the detector, detector to be near "scan" of the object, if you have metal objects, such as keys, cell phones, belt buckle, detector light will change to red and issued "drops" the alarm sound.

After entering the room, each room is equipped with the mobile phone signal shielding device, will test all cell phone signals blocked. And the ID card verification device, stealth headphone will not be used for all candidates, only found in the examination room when there is suspected of cheating will be enabled.

In charge of municipal education examinations, examination room in the city this year expanding the use of wireless headset specifically target stealth detector size, visiting researchers using only one hand can hold invisible headset detector can be carried out outside the examination room with headphones after detection.

The instrument's main function is to detect the radio signals, signals can be monitored, positioning, monitoring and recording. Not only to timely detect invisible users of wireless headsets, can also determine its wearer's exact location, because it suspects that the closer, it more badly shaken, this way we can determine accurately the cheaters who.

In addition, 7,649 venue in the city this year, each classroom education, Chongqing and the examination Yuan, and monitoring of the National Education Examination Center platform interoperability, when all the cases within the examination room within the monitor. (Reporter

Police advised

During the entrance to minimize the use of private cars

On June 5 from the municipal Public Security Bureau Police Corps that, during the college entrance examination on June 7, 8th, policemen advised "as the car to lay a false" minimize the use of private cars.

Patrol officer corps of the relevant parties, college entrance examination on June 7 to coincide with Sunday on the first day, commuting traffic reduction, traffic in favour of candidates. College entrance examination on June 8 for the next day on Monday, commuter traffic and transport stack of college entrance examination, rush city major bridges and tunnels and regular traffic jams along the roads road traffic will increase pressure, test center around temporary effects of roads by sending test vehicles, traffic jams in varying degrees.

Therefore, the police advised the public to take public transport green travel, creating a good traffic environment for the students, within normal commuting pilots try to choose ring road, traffic centers surrounding roads of cars honking, compliance with traffic rules, follow the patrol's orders.

State grid power in Chongqing:

Prepare emergency power supply to ensure that the University entrance exam of electricity

On June 5, a yellow emergency power car, yongchuan middle school open to the door, several electrical workers dressed in red overalls, pull the cable out from the car, and ready access to the school's electrical distribution equipment. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination, State grid ahead of Chongqing electric power Corporation in the city test done strategically, to do electrical work.

It is understood that, compared with previous years, this exam test centers scattered time span, related links, referencing many people, work is more complicated. In this regard, the State grid Chongqing electric power Corporation completes the exam during the monitoring and analysis of electric power, the power supply line is not scheduled outage maintenance work, while increasing troubleshooting, equipment operation and maintenance management, improved emergency disposition.

"College entrance examination lighting, radio, electricity, once the power outage, organizations and listening to will not be able to complete the exam, so no power outages. "In yongchuan middle school site, yongchuan district power supply company told reporters that all test centers, the power supply unit has prepared two sets of emergency programmes, sure.

Previously, the jurisdiction of the municipal electric power company power supply unit, active docking with the local test center contacts in a timely manner, step by step implementation responsibilities, ensure that the power supply. Urban power supply company to thoroughly investigate the test sites near 10,000 volts of electricity lines, the influence line of ultra-high trees were trimmed. Beibei Power Corporation has been visiting and good schools, Southwestern University high school, Sunrise middle school, room, power supply lines and thorough inspections of the test center, and internal distribution of power supply equipment for "examination". Dianjiang County power company power transmission, transformation and distribution of three qingniantujidui, to ensure that the University entrance exam test centers, student accommodation, hotel safe and reliable power supply.

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